Member Since: 8/5/2007
Band Website: youre on it
Band Members: Humanity, Sound , Prana.
Influences: Philip K Dick, Terance McKenna, The Rents, Bob Moog, J.R.R Tolkin, Michael Gondry, My Dearest Angel Allison, Alex Grey, Mars1(mad props), That one time when we watched the sun rise, The Woods, Annett Messanger, Dr.Dank, James, Skyler, Alan Watts, His Divine Grace AC Bactivadenta Swami Prabhupada, Fun Guys , Little pieces of paper, Crystal shards, The D.A.R.E program, Rainbow Family(Something you can't understand untill you are immersed in it), David Hale, Murph The Bass bot [I love You STS9], Trees, Clouds, Mountains, Dancing My Arse off!!, Wheeerscestershistershire Sauce. smelling the bull shit from a mile away, Ring tailed Lemurs, and what ever else happens between here and now.
Sounds Like: dancin music
Record Label: yes please
Type of Label: None