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Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Cool !
You're pretty cool! People look at you and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' Congratulations. Use your position wisely and teach the dorks below you a thing or two. There's nothing like recruiting a cool person.
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E Enjoyable
R Rare
I Intense
C Creepy
A Appealing
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From Go-Quiz.com
Your Vibe is Super Sexy
You feel 100% sexy at almost any moment
And this inner sexiness really does boost your appeal
You're confident, playful, and outgoing
You know what you have to offer - and you're proud of it! How Sexy Is Your Vibe?
?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
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You Are Chocolate Ice Cream!
You Are A Lily
You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize. What Flower Are You?
You Are a Normal Girl
You are 60% Good and 40% Bad
Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.
But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl. Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute. What Kind of Candy Are You?
You Are a Fun Flirt
You just can't help yourself... you flirt with everyone you know.
Guys, girls, crushes, and friends. They're all victims to your charm.
You're into silly innuendos, sexy jokes, and playful touches.
You are a huge flirt, yet you never make anyone (too) uncomfortable! What Kind of Flirt Are You?
Your Heart Is Pink
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance What Color Heart Do You Have?
Your Kissing Purity Score: 74% Pure
For you, kissing isn't a casual thing
Lip to lip action makes your heart sing Kissing Purity Test
You're A Crazy Drunk
When you drink, you get wrecked - and it ain't pretty. What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Your Hair Should Be Red
Passionate, fiery, and sassy.
You're a total smart aleck who's got the biggest personality around. What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color?