I believe in the ultimate reality of infinite love, light, and eternal life. I also believe that all life is sacred and worthy of respect, affirmation, and the legitimate entitlement of self-realization in its own natural habitat and way of life. Secondly, I seek truth and the advancement of all of humankind through philosophy, the arts, scientific inquiry, and the free exchange of knowledge and ideas without the restraining holds of any historical religious dogma or even theoretical scientific doctrine politically derived that would retard all progress towards a universal understanding of the unbounded human potential. I would much rather know a harsh truth than to continue believing a soft and gentle lie told to believe since childhood - which many comfort and pacify themselves by believing waaay tooo easily! I am dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the liberation of humanity's understanding away from racism, religious fanaticism, social elitism, and political imperialism. My goal is to be of service to humanity and help others realize the universal freedoms that inherently are the right of every individual and humanity's acquisition of the continual enlightenment of the human spirit - evolution of consciousness.
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