Traversing the globe to fulfill their destinies, the Dateless Losers have overcome insurmountable odds in order to sustain their attempt to change the face of popular music. These two savants of song, having spent many a frigid night alone with only the company of their guitars, are attempting to rejuvenate tiresome radio hits in order to destroy everything musicians thought they knew heretofore. With massive fan bases in the Arctic and Thailand, The Dateless Losers hope to unite the world through 2-part harmony and form a single country that governs and operates solely through rock music.
Check out the impetus for the DL:
Live stuff:
And our public service announcement....
Download the the Losers to your iPod! Check out a video of our entire gig in Hollywood from November 2006. Go to , register, and search for Dateless Losers.
Here are is a clip from the show (you can find the rest on YouTube ):
We rep StareCo clothing...