Ben profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I bought my own hangers because i hate the ones my dry cleaners give me. I order shirts by color. Diet coke rules, I like macs, I drink crown on the rocks, I think deep house rules, I should have my mail sent to the billiard bar (it would be less work to get it), So i married an axe murderer was hilarious. I should spell check.

My Interests

Drinking, spending money, going to work, not going to work, sleeping, attempting to convince women at bars that i'm funny, MacBooks, building companies, snowboarding, eating, Martinis, scotch, tonic water, deep house, porn, graphic art, pop art

I'd like to meet:

women with vision problems


Funky techy deep house, hall & oates, reverend horton heat, prince, operation ivy, adam freeland, kaskade, journey, heart


Lost, Nip Tuck


Ones with pictures


The Cheat, Larry Ellison, Strong Bad