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Hey, I am a 20 plus year veteran classroom teacher and life long Street Teacher from a neighborhood near you, aka "The Guest Teacher," aka "The Commandant," I am a "StreetTeacher." scheduled to launch in 2008 is a massive communications and change campaign tagged “Get Street.” is a communication tool used to podcast inspirational messages to students and young adults trying to get off the streets and into a lifestyle of prosperity and abundance with more confidence and less stress along the way.
The student audience based website mentioned in the above byline is the solution for getting to the bottom of those problems that just keep holding you back from being who you where truly created to be, the best in your game. Ride with us from the classroom to the boardroom ~ Street knowledge from above the pavement. Get street or get your asphalt checked.



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Tips for More Confidence and Less Stress Problem Solving

How do successful people solve challenging problems in tough situations? How do successful people consistently produce positive results? These questions and more like them are answered in the simple to understand program titled Empowering Basics Guide to Solving Problems With More Confidence and Less Stress. Here are six tips for gaining more confidence and eliminating stress while solving problems.

Tip 1 – Identification Check to Clarify the Problem

Do you sometimes feel like there is a problem, but you are not sure what it is? And then finding yourself frustrated and running out of time to deal with the situation. Problems are like people. They want to be understood. If a problem could speak it would say things like, “You don’t even know me. Or, “You’re not listening to me,” or maybe something like, “You’re not feeling me.” The way to clarify a problem is to ask some basic questions. Where does this problem get its fuel? Who is responsible for its outcome? When does this situation need to be resolved? An ID check to verify what you’re thinking, saves time and energy. Both are valuable pieces to more confidence and less stress in the pursuit of successful problem solving. Don’t waste your time on the false assumptions that you know what the problem is, when you really don’t. Inaccurately identifying a problem will only create more problems and stress. I have had discussions in hundreds of training sessions about challenges of making the proper decisions under stressful situations. And the votes are in. Understanding the problem and the best actions to take are a lot easier once you’ve clarified the problem accurately.

Tip 2 – Verify for Understanding

Understanding the problem is more important for building confidence than gathering all the information in the world and not knowing what to do with it. The process of proving what you’ve identified as a problem, to be the true source, leads to understanding. Each time I didn’t understand how to deal with a problem there was added stress to my life. To rid any misunderstandings I learned to ask these questions, “What are my feelings about this situation? Do the results align with my goals? How would the right resources, skills or decisions help to solve this problem?” By gaining an understanding of the problem we become empowered to think differently through correcting the problem with self-assurance of positive outcomes. Understanding the problem may be one of the most valuable pieces to solving the problem puzzle.

Tip 3 – Subscribe To A Winning Attitude

Do you think you get more than a fair share of hardships out of life? Are you a magnet for great outcomes? Or do you seem to find yourself repeating some of the same mistakes this year that you swore you wouldn’t make last year? People that consistently enjoy success in life have a certain swagger about themselves. Their probably not going to be the type of person you see sweating over problems. Successful people subscribe to a winning attitude. They simply don’t doubt themselves or their ability to gain anything less than positive results. Your problem solving confidence begins charting its course once you agree to pay the cost of changing the way you think about people, situations, and circumstances. Positive attitudes are going to cost you, but the terms will increase approval ratings in your relationships, finance, health, and business.

Tip 4 – Get Clear On What Actions To Take

Developing a clear action plan that produces lasting positive results follows gathering accurate problem information. After putting your information together, create an action plan based on the specific problems you’re dealing with. Be certain your plan’s foundation is built on ethical and moral standards. Standards in general help you to establish a set of rules to play by.

Clear Window Cleaning. Years ago I owned a professional window cleaning company. A client requested that her window screens be washed and dried prior to installation over the recently cleaned windows at her new home. After an unsuccessful search outside the condo for waterspout, my technicians headed to a nearby hand carwash. The screens flipped off the tailgate on the way and slid in heavy traffic for at least one block before the employee noticed. The total cost, great embarrassment (there was an undetected water spout and hose inside of the garage), $583 worth of damaged custom screens and delayed delivery dates. The job itself only brought in $250. After the expenses of servicing the client for free that job cost me $750 and the challenge of getting repeat business from this valued referral customer.

Standards mark your highest starting point for the actions you take. I asked myself, “What can I contribute to solving the problem quickly?” And, “How can this become a ‘Win-Win’ for everyone?” My integrity was on the line of my small but successful company. I always chose to be an honest businessman. I was committed to providing an undeniable service to our customers and placing great value on my employees. This embarrassing situation was not going to change my standards, no matter how much I needed $750 that day.

Without delay I called the customer and explained the problem with all the integrity I could muster. I went over the top at getting those screens delivered overnight directly from the manufacturer. And I honored my valued customer with discounted repeat business to secure a future opportunity to redeem the quality of our services. The replacement screens where even delivered with a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers and her favorite chocolate. As a result, the client gave me a big check because she felt so bad. She wrote an awesome testimony on letterhead and networked two new clients for my company, which connected us with repeat customers for the next several years.

Tip 5 – Check Results For Target Accuracy

Start paying attention to whether your results are keeping you on target or pulling you away from your desires. Pay special attention to whether your action plan is producing results that are taking you in the wrong directions. If this is the case, don’t waste time making adjustments on your action plan. Focus on the goal you’re shooting for not the tedious task needed to accomplish ideal results. By placing your attention on the desired outcome, you begin visualizing the positive outcome before it actually happens. You see it happening instead of how to get it done. Whether its having more fun, building stronger relationships, or finally putting an end to repeating mistakes that prevents your dreams becoming real. Refocus your attention on the desired outcome for target accuracy.

Bonus – Attract more of what you want.

Do you have more than enough success in your life? Are you spending huge chunks of your day in laughter? Are you the type of person that does a lot of busy work or do you participate in the bigger things life has to offer? What you have to say about what’s happing in you life is critical to attracting the results you desire. Decide to control your tongue. Start with the basics, acknowledge when you experience something positive. When you get that coveted parking spot acknowledge it. When you connect with someone that can assist you in reaching your goals acknowledge it. When you see a turn in your children’s behaviors praise them, even if they only get it partially right. When you receive an unexpected reward acknowledge it as proof of the law of attraction working in your life.

Create a well-written statement for attracting the very results you desire and repeat it out loud until you believe it. Being responsible for allowing positive outcomes to happen will produce more of what you want. Basically, you win!

Is it possible to gain confidence when problems share a space with doubt? Comment to the blog

© Copyright 2007, by LaRon A. Carter. All rights reserved.

LaRon A. Carter is a former US Marine and K – 12 SEEI Certified Teacher. Contact LaRon or join his interactive blog. He'd like to meet you!

My Blog

ST 10 | Cruise Control Is In Your Future

To all of my StreetTeachers and StreetStudents around the world, Be courageous and dominate in 2008. My professional development company, Empowering Basics, is assisting StreetTeacher in designing a ...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 15:09:00 GMT

ST 9 | Check out this video: Gail - "Fat chick want to shop"

Check out this video: Gail - "Fat chick want to shop" Add to My Profile | More VideosHave you or a friend of yours had this problem? What say you?The CommandantRenew your mind.
Posted by on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 06:43:00 GMT

ST 8 | Hows that working for you?

Reply To This PostFeel me on this. There have been times in my life when things just didn't seem to work out no matter how hard I tried to smash it. We have all been there. ...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:31:00 GMT

ST 7 | Contact me for more info

If you are interested in accessing blog ST 6 | Do you have what it takes to be a streetteacher?1. Subscribe to the blog so you will show up in My Readers2. eMail me, [email protected], with...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 19:51:00 GMT

ST 5 | Have ever wondered about the statement, "If it was meant to be it will be?"

Reply To This PostHave ever wondered about the statement, "If it was meant to be it will be?" I think it should be, "Whatever they believe it to be it will be  regardless. ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 13:56:00 GMT

ST 4 | What windows of opportunity have opened up for you?

George Bernard Shaw writes, "Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will. "Tap into the p...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 02:58:00 GMT

ST 3 | What are you doing to correct the problem?

The great Chinese philosopher Confucius said, "Our greatest glory is not in ever falling, but in rising every time we fall."It isn't about making mistakes, we all make them. True c...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 03:08:00 GMT

ST 2 | Do you ever feel like you need to clear your mind? r=0" target="_blank">Reply To This PostKenny Latimore and Chante Moore sing, "Every now and then I need a little ti...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:43:00 GMT

ST 1 | Is it possible to gain confidence when problems share a space with doubt?

Reply To This PostI find it very difficult to build confidence when I doubt my ability. And that's not to say there aren't people around me who may have confidence in my abil...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 03:01:00 GMT