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About Me

Euology:Billy Noonan Coughlin is a legend. But sometimes legends shine so brightly during their lives that they burn out before we are ready. Fortunately, legends never really die, their stories just get bigger and bigger year after year. You can’t throw a stone in this town with out hitting someone that knows and loves and respects Bill. He was a loyal brother son, grandson, cousin and friend.We all know that Billy went directly to heaven because he had his mother’s good looks, his grandfather’s charm and his father’s ability to walk straight through a shit storm and come out smelling like roses. I know he’s watching us right now with one hand on Maggie’s leash and the other hand on Marilyn Monroe’s knee.Billy was a proud, proud man. He was proud to be Irish, He was proud to be from West Plymouth, he was proud to be in the Navy, He was proud of being in the Boston Local 12 and he was proud to be a Coughlin.Billy was only five feet six inches tall, but he was the biggest man in every room that he walked into. He had a wildness and a confidence that ladies loved and men admired. No matter who you are or where you were, if you were with Bill you felt safe. He wasn’t afraid of anything. It’s natural to ask why, why did God take him away from us so soon. I know we all feel bad right now, but we have to realize how lucky we were to have known him and loved him. We can all take comfort in the fact that Billy will never get old, he will stay young in our hearts and minds forever. Everybody loved to be with Billy. In life he was only one man, he could only be at one place at one time. In death he can be with us all, whenever we need him.The night Billy died I was standing on his balcony, looking out at the ocean and I told him that I loved him. I told him how proud I was of him, how proud we all were of him for how far he had come.He lived his life with passion, loyalty and love. I’m sure his only regret is that he didn’t get to say good-bye. He loved you all very much and our family loves you all. I want to thank you on the behalf of my family, especially Billy’s shipmates that traveled so far, for coming to support us and to share your love of Billy.I just want to end with a little Irish Blessing, so please stand up, open your programs and recite it with me for Bill.May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be ever at your back May the sun shine warm upon your face And the rain fall softly on your fields And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.This is second of many annual events set up in Bill's name. It will be taking place on September 19th 2009 @ The Beachcomber in Quincy. This event will take place halfway to St Patrick’s Day, which is also Bills favorite holiday. It is a charity event with Music, drinking, raffles, giveaways and fun. Reserve, Jug O' Punch, and Eireann Og! It will be a good time for the people that knew and loved Billy and even the people that never got the chance to be graced with his wonderful presence to get together in his name and make donations to the people fighting overseas to protect our freedom. Donations of magazines, books, canned goods, cd’s batteries, razors, female hygiene products, cell phones and anything else that can be shipped to them will be kindly accepted by The Local Heroes.LOCAL HEROES,Inc is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization working to support our local servicemen and servicewomen and their families. 100% of all donations received go directly to these local heroes. if you knew Bill or not, want to help support our troops overseas or just like good music then this is the place for you. Please feel free to let all your friends know too. Rumor has it there may be an after party on McGrath Highway!!!
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