Art, Music, Animation, Comics, Records, Nintendo, The Paranormal, Freaks, Burritos, Cats, Oranges, Nature
Urban Explorers, Super Mario, Mix Tapes/CDs.NOT THIS GUY-
King Crimson, The Wipers, SS Decontrol, Gauze, Joy Division, Minor Threat, Siege, Leatherface, Septic Death, Die Kreuzen, The Smiths, Paintbox, Black Sabbath, Jawbreaker, The Minutemen, Simon and Garfunkel, Darkthrone, The Damned, Born Against, Naked Raygun, Tragedy, Deep Wound, Loincloth
Mad Max, Wizards, Persepolis, The Royal Tenebaums, Seven Samurai, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Conan The Barbarian, Nausicaa and the Valley Of The Wind
Lost and Galaxy Express 999
Comics and any kind of related format. Books on Art, Music, and paranormal. OR anything containing wizards or robots
Frank Frazetta, Bruce Timm, Richard Williams