The Adrenalyn Project profile picture

The Adrenalyn Project

About Me

I started creating 'music' in a digital form back in 2005. I wrote an album's worth of material called 'The Black Sperm', but put real no promotion behind it, because well, it sucked.
Summer of 2006, one year later after 'The Black Sperm', I started working on the "Interns With Glocks" EP. Five songs of atmosphere, yet hypnotic beats. I felt much more accomplished, than anything on 'The Black Sperm'. "Interns With Glocks" was a nice release, from the band that I was in at the time. I quit working on songs all together after my computer crashed.
After many changes in life over the last two years, I decided to get the old beat sequencer out again and start making songs strictly for the hell of it. I plan on no promotion with this and having it be strictly word of mouth. If it's successful great, if not, that's ok too. I will post stuff periodically as it's created. There is no intention of a full-blown album at this time.
Enjoy the tunes.

My Interests


Member Since: 22/07/2005
Band Website: This one.
Band Members: Dez Adrenalyn, his trusty computer, and many special guests to come...
Influences: Team Sleep. Thom Yorke. Deftones. Cibo Matto.
Sounds Like: Sophisticated Abuse.
Record Label: 39 Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

"Ophicus Rises" and The Return of The Adrenalyn Project

The last time any music was uploaded to this page, was over three years ago. The last time any music I created period was two years ago. I am ready for a fresh start. Keep checking back often for new ...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 19:38:00 GMT