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JeniSage (:!

I don't want your maggoty fish.

About Me

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I made the Titanic!
I broke the Titanic!
I am God!
What say ye?
I am titled JeniSage. (Jeh-knee-sayj)
I'm a leo and I'm sixteen. My favorite color is yellow.
I try to provide equal appreciation of the sweets, and the bittersweets. Pain is a beautiful thing.. after all, it provides you with evidence that you’re still alive, which is an immense comfort to me.
I'm proud, but I'm not cocky. I'm intimidating to some. I'm charming to most. Art in its many forms is an absolute passion of mine. I practice what I preach. I'm brutally honest if you want me to be. If I care about you, I can be the absolute best kind of friend you can buy. I'm very considerate, except when I drive. I have some very strong opinions; if I have to, I'll argue with you for hours until you admit I'm right. I have a golden ear and a silver tongue. I don't want your maggoty fish.
Every day of my life is a new learning experience. I'm always finding new defects regarding my mind which chronically likes to surprise me, and with time, I sometimes more or less learn how to cope. I am not a tall, perfect-figured woman ladened with an abysmal quantity of beauty, but I'm aware that every beat of my heart is a miracle, every breath I take a work of art. And amid everything horrific that happens both inside me and around me, I can always find beauty in absolutely anything. I figure if I’m going to be a resident of this world, I might as well take careful time to appreciate it as it welcomed me with open arms when I was born. I’m convinced that everything, regardless of whether or not it’s animate, has a soul. So I spend a lot of my time connecting with objects around me.. talking to them, or just soaking in their presence open-mindedly and respecting their services. This both gives me the illusion of a more loving surrounding, and it helps me learn how to be one with the world. Although, unfortunately, more often than not, I develop emotional attachments to said inanimate items, even if it be a packed multitude of snowflakes frozen against a telephone pole (this one was a true story; its name was Kisch).
If you like my blahgs, please let me know by subscribing.
You can always expect me to listen when no one else will.
I am never fake. If I like you, you'll know. If I dislike you, you'll know. I'm not ever going to pretend otherwise, because that gets neither of us anywhere.
I’m pleased to say that I have no huge regrets in my past, because I value my morals and try hard to avoid any broken glass. Regardless, I'm constantly trying to improve myself, as I'm well aware I could use a good deal of it, especially since choices in life are never very easy. I’m not afraid to die. The concept of life and of death is of no concern to me.. I feel mentally prepared for whatever fate has in store for me. I'm ignorant of what's to happen in the future, so I try to be ambitious. Though often, instead taking action upon the said, I tend to just sit upon my throne in thoughtless stupor.
I don't smoke and I don't drink.
Even though I'm not yet fully aware of which of the many avenues I am going to take, I'm not afraid of where I'm going, what I'm doing, or who I am becoming. I trust that my many little offbeat moves will become a part of me, and I think it's safe to assume that I'll be okay. If the things that define me irritate you, I'm not going to change them to gain your approval. Don't waste your time expecting me to fuss over whatever you think of me. I know that nobody is liked by everyone, and I'm prepared to have that proven to me however many times my channel has in store.
And despite the pesterous trials I diagnosedly face 24 hours a day, I’ve learned that somehow, incredibly, the grass always seems to grow back post winter’s end. And that, for me, makes everything else a little more beautiful.

My Interests

Apple juice, lamps, and unibrows are by far the greatest inventions of all mankind.

I'd like to meet:

Carl Sagan, my late Aunt Jeni, Berkeley Breathed, George Doody, and the president of Bulgaria.
If you happen to be one of the above, please just let me know.

I like talking, so let's do it.



I'm crazy for movies
I'm weak at the knees
English mysteries,
screwball comedies
Spaghetti westerns
three bowls please
It doesn't matter what, it doesn't matter who
If it's Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
It'll absolutely do I worship their allure
If I'm sick, don't find a cure
A Hitchcock scream, a Fellini dream
Film noir, Mel Blanc
And all that's in between
Flood my senses
Make me weep
Kiss the hero
Kill the creep
The credits, the edits
Houdini! Whodunnits!
Musicals that dance
And dancicals that muse
I'm filled with hope watching Cinemascope
Cause I'm no dope
I love movies.




Poetry of all shapes and forms, Life of Pi, You Don't Know Me, Amphigorey, JTHM, The Wild Goose Chronicles, Max Deluxe, Illusions, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Lord of the Flies, The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat, and I also love books containing art (Kandinsky and Scarfe are my very favorites) and photos.

Currently reading:
Ishmael, The Varieties of Scientific Experience


The rarely seen Fish Woman of Bremen
An old lady
And, of course, Bill the Cat
Jeni is pretty and funny.
Whenever she strolls in the sunny,
Girls and boys flock about
And together they shout,
"Oh, please take us home with you, honey!"
Out in Utah lies a land
which has been graced by foot and hand
of a maid so fair and bright
that with her footsteps, come light.
Jeni, a lass of might!
'ere there been a grander sight?
Nay I say, so come away!
And we shall go to Utah.
-William Horwich
Jeni means everything to me.
So nice she happens to be.
She is extremely great!
Beats 'em all at any rate.
We all love Jeni!!!!
Much more than Kenny.
Its all because she's JENI!!!!!!!!!
-Ellie Edwards
I met her on the subway
And her voice sounded like honey
So I turned around quick and said something funny.
She was nuts as was her friend whose name I have sience lost
And I'm having a very had time keeping this rhyme on top
Later we held we held a funeral for a dear friend named Spoon
She helped me through the griving times, the crying times and now this poem is through
HUSH..... the poet speaks....
We must listen close
Or else we will miss her dose of daily insanity,
Oh the humanity,
The things we wish to say the things we wish to know,
She says so you better listen close!
-Jason (last name misplaced)
Jeni goes on the tricycle...
Bird flock hippie juice
Kissin kitties in scary beat land
Bip bop bip skit scat
You can't scat, silly chilly
Wiggy wiggy woo
Play the bongos charlie...
Play me out...
-Bill Remmers
Chocolate milk, is yummy.
And so are oranges, pomegranates.
Watermelon, sandwiches, Wingers, Ceasar Salads, Mustangs,
The smell of tar, the satisfaction of a job well done.
And chocolate milk, did I mention?
I suppose Jeni's okay too.
-Derek Hart
There was a man named phil.
His voice it was quite shrill,
And if it was heard
You'd poop a turd
and think of what birds had a heimie.
There once was this chick named Jeni.
She had a cat name of whamm(i)
And when they were about
The people would shout
-Parker Edwards
There once was a girl called Jeni,
But I wanted her to be Jenifranni.
We're vegetarians together,
She has a picture with a yellow feather.
This poem is lame, but she is not,
Cuz Jennifranni is freakin' hot!
- Janaea Gensel
write one of these for me, and if you're lucky, I'll do the same. :)

My Blog

The pig rider.

Light fades behind the mountains as evening slowly claims the land. Like a shadow she rides through the fields and towns, this young woman, naught but a skeptical blur of motion to the peripheral eye....
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 11:12:00 PST


I stepped lightly through the cemetery today. The breeze was gentle and charming, and the sunlight was warm and soft. I came up against a lovely elegant tree, upon which hung a small glass wind chime....
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 02:46:00 PST


My painting, she weeps.Rests the canvas, its humble soul unmistakably present, however naught but half the exterior has been dressed with color. What was once a lusted task to create a special kind of...
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

A few charming poems I wrote today while I was paying attention in class.

Emily, Emily PhelfioIn love with a Chrissy-mas elf-io.The neighbors, asting,Shipped her off to BeijingAnd now she is all by herself-io.Ernest the shell.Sank straight down to hell.He probably fell.But ...
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 05:10:00 PST

My Hobby

Just yesterday eve'n,In thirst for a treat,I walked down the sidewalkOn Sulliver Street.The drizzle was charming.The air, rather chill,As I searched for a vesselTo appease my will.Alas! In the distanc...
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 09:23:00 PST

And yet.

There's old man in one corner of the town, never accompanied, always gazing at the universe over the rim of his teacup. All you'll ever chance to find him doing is blowing kisses and humbly expressing...
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:54:00 PST

Wal-Mart Terrorization Extravaganza

So Ellie and I had a very exciting escapade today.Being the clever and amazing people we are, we decided to terrorize our cheerful, family-friendly Wal-Mart. Our adventure is as follows.North side of ...
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:37:00 PST

I just want everything to feel beautiful again.

I still remember the day I realized that life is full of trials, and there's nothing I can do about it. It was a significant epiphany because I was forthwith aware that regardless of the situation, my...
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 03:57:00 PST

The man with no chin.

Yesterday I saw a man with no chin.
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 06:17:00 PST

The truth about lunch ladies.

So there I was, scurrying down the hallway like all the other little lab rat robots of the school, on my way to AP Art. Now before we go any further, let me set the scene a little for you here. To get...
Posted by JeniSage (:! on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:23:00 PST