hope to be a reputable drummer and producer, soundman, freelance designer, surfing- sculptor type
bands, session musicans; recording engineers, down to earth people; people in san diego who are working in the multimedia field or pro level audio people, and musicians for networking purposes
various styles- primarily progressive- jazzy, fusionish, some rock- mainly depending on who Im working with
INCONVENIENT TRUTH is a movie that the everyone MUST see- SCARY!
sucks the life out of you -instead of watching stupid reality shows you can actually learn something from TV- imagine that!
they say that "Autograph of a Yogi" is THE book- or is it the Bible -or the Koran- or.....
AL GORE is trying to SAVE THE WORLD-Ghandi, Jimmy Page, KIRT, KELLY SLATER, Marley- anyone who has integrity and an unyielding desire to help those that need it and influence others to understand what life is really about- artists rule