I enjoy performing in (almost) all senses of the word, I love working with kids, reading, baking, taking hot baths..sometimes with bubbles, going roller blading, going for long walks, running through midnight sprinklers, laughing really loud, singing obnoxiously to songs that most normal people do NOT enjoy, talking in the retainer voice with my sister, callie... I love eating cookies, texting, riding roller coasters, watching movies... Hugs and kisses are awesome and when people brush my hair i get really sleepy and it's great. LOL Cats are hilarious and if you don't know what they are then honestly you are deprived......Really I could go on and on but generally I just love living and having the best time I can, when I can.
Thomas Jefferson, because honestly was anyone ever as awesome as him? Also, Prince would be cool to meet. Not really to talk to, just to gape and drool at...It would be cool to meet my Aunt Janice and Uncle Greg, who both died before I was born...and of course, Owen Wilson. We will have beautiful, blonde, crooked-nosed babies.. He never would have tried to off himself had I been in his life. What a stud.
Like EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD, I love music and it is pretty important to me. A song can really make or break my day. I like being introduced to new music and I love listening to old music. I am really easy to please in this department. Music is pretty magical if you ask me.
again- I love movies, I love MOST movies, there is rarely a movie I see that I don't like. I love unique movies, but I also love movies that are so...just-like-every-other-movie-in-that-genre...movies that are predictable are fine with me, and movies that have insane twists are awesome too. once again- easy to please.
I really do not watch a lot of tv... but I love funny animated shows, and could watch them for hours on end if I really had nothing else to do. Hospital shows are pretty cool too, and if we had the Discovery Health channel I would watch it all the time.
I adore the Harry Potter books. sue me. They rock. I've read them all- some of them over 20 times. No joke. I also love Jodi Picoult books thanks to Allison... I love them because they evoke so much emotion, and they can really and truly make you completely forget about everything else. She's an amazing writer... remember Ender's Game? I LOVE that book, and every other book associated with it. I have read them all many times as well, because I am one of those repeat-readers...Can't help it. Madeline L'Engle wrote some really good books, and A Wrinkle In Time was my very first chapter book when I was 7 years old. . I also love the very very hilarious Georgia Nicolson serious by Louise Rennison. You could be at your mothers funeral, and if you were reading these books, you would still laugh...LOUDLY. It's pretty embarrassing...so yeah. I like to read. give me a good book. any good book. I'll adore you.
Batman is my all time fave hero. Always has been, always will be.
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