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About Me

playing in the rain
shopping with my best friend
my brother
holding hands
playing in the *snow*
laughing until i can't breathe
singing in the car
road trips
the beach
big sunglasses
making people laugh
getting flowers
summer time
watching movies
sleeping in
going swimming
being crazy
jennifer aniston
playing softball
ryan phillipe
little babies
being in love♥
my friends
david beckham
foreign accents
my sister
taking -pictures-
my neice
gettin phone calls
james blunt
jack johnson
attention whores
car wrecks
missing someone
two-faced people
lindsay lohan
being alone
angelina jolie
stupid people
♥ i've done a lot of growing up. and i'm trying to right all of my wrongs. hopefully i can do it before it's too late.
♥ i have to figure everything out for myself.
♥ i try to make everything work out for the best. even if it means i'm not happy.
♥ i constantly put others before myself.
♥ i love tattoos and piercings. i have 3 tattoos and 9 piercings. and i'm gonna get more.
♥ i pay for all of my own stuff. but i sure do love presents.
♥ drama is never worth the trouble it causes.
♥ best friends are supposed to last forever, so be careful who you give this title to.
♥ i love my friends. they'll always come before any guy.
♥ no, i'm not a virgin. no, i'm not a slut.
♥ i love my family.
♥ text messaging is love.
♥ be who you want to be. never let anyone else decide your future.
♥ live life to its fullest. it's the most precious gift you'll ever recieve, so don't take it for granted.
♥ i go to ochs. yes, i hate it.
♥ i'll be a senior this year. yes, i'm going to college.
♥ i'll do anything for my friends
♥ i've been in love before. but, shit happens.
♥ i love music. i'll listen to anything if i'm in the mood for it.
♥ usher is my future husband, so back off.
♥ i hate when people ask to be my friend when they don't even try to get to know me first. this isn't a popularity contest people.
♥ i don't understand why people put naked pictures of themselves on myspace.
♥ i cannot stand conceeded people.
♥ i shop.. a lot.
♥ karissa is my lova lova. and no, not like that.
♥ i don't waste my time on cocky guys. get over yourself.
♥ long distance relationships are damn near impossible. but if you really care about the person-make it work.
♥ i miss old school nickelodeon. i want my rocko's modern life back.
♥ i wear hollister and abercrombie. no, i'm not a prep.
♥ making people laugh is my favorite thing in the world.
♥ starbucks is my life.
♥ my hair changes monthly.
♥ i have to have some sort of consistency in my life or i'll go nuts.
♥ i'm probably the most boy crazy girl you'll ever meet. that doesn't mean i sleep with all of them.
♥ i can't stand when people make grammar mistakes.
♥ i don't get along with old people.
♥ i've been hurt a lot in the past. so i have my guard up big time.
♥ i'm very skeptical of guys.
♥ trust is a big thing with me. once you lose my trust, you'll never get it back.
♥ i cry a lot.
♥ life is what you make of it.
♥ disney movies are love.
♥ i hate goodbyes
♥ but not as much as i hate cheaters.
♥ 'do the things that scare you the most'...pretty much the best advice ever.
♥ i love being single and being able to do whatever i want
♥ but i also love having someone who i know will always be there for me.
♥ it's a complicated emotion i suppose.
♥ i'm a senior. i'm excited to get high school over with. and i'm scared of having to start my real life. another complicated emotion.

♥ i'm gonna be a pediatric nurse. cuz i love babies. and i'll be rich. it's a win-win situation.
♥ i love animals. if you don't like them, don't talk to me.
♥ i love vws. if you don't like them, then SERiOUSLY don't talk to me.
♥ i'm like a guy when it comes to cars. i guess because i understand what makes them go, and most girls have no idea.
♥ i'm me. and i love it.
any questions?..... smirnoff babee
LeAvE mE a CoMmEnT oR sEnD mE a MeSsAgE!!
the best advice.. don't wait until it's too late...

My Interests

x My BeSt FriEnDs x My NeiCe (MaCayLa LyNN Erika --

Visually addictive

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

i just need to know that you feel the same.
i need the 'all-in-my-face' kind of love.
i need you to show me that you love me.
i need you to show me that you care.
i need you to hold me when i'm scared.
i need you to be there when no one else will.
i need you to be my hero.
i need you to be my lover.
i need you to be my friend.
i want you to be my everything.
just like you promised.
i want you to promise to love me no matter what happens.
i want you to love me
♥ ....

I'd like to meet:

♥ uShEr

♥ PaRiS HiLtOn

♥ JeNniFeR aNnIsToN

♥ TyReSe GiBsOn

♥ TySoN BeCkFoRd

♥ YoU

TeLL Me YoU LoVe Me .

My OtHeR cOmMeNtS


John Michael Montgomery - Letters From Home

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Joe Nichols - I'll Wait For You

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i'll listen to pretty much anything except heavy metal *ew*...classical's weird too...but i'd have to say rap is my favorite...TeCh N9Ne, eBoNy EyEs, MiKe JoNeS, BoYz N Da HoOd, WeBbiE, BoW wOw, pReTty RiCkY, NiVeA, LiL JoN, UsHeR, TuPaC, MaSe, NaS, YiNg YaNg TwInS, KaNyE wEsT,...HaWtHoRnE hEiGhTs, AvRiL LaViGnE, bLaCk EyEd PeAs, AshLeE SiMpSoN, JaDe, JaGgEd EdGe, AaLiYaH, aShAnTi, FaLL oUt BoY,ChRiS bRoWn, gWeN sTeFaNi, 50-CeNt, JaY-z, LiNkiN PaRk, bLiNk-182, HaWtHoRnE HeiGhTs K.Ci n JoJo, KeLLy cLaRkSoN, CiArA, KeItH sWeAt, KeNnY cHeSnEy, SaMaNtHa MuMbA, bRaNdY, MoNiCa, tHe KiLLeRs, ThE cLiCk FiVe, LiL KiM, LiT, LuDaCriS, MaRiAh CaReY, MaRiO, MaTcHbOoK RoMaNcE, MaRiO WiNaNs, TaKiNg BaCk SuNdAy, FaLL oUt BoY, ReLiEnT k, My ChEmiCaL RoMaNcE, NaTaLiE, nB RiDaZ, NeW eDiTiOn, NiCk CaNnOn, OmAriOn, OoBiE, PaPa RoAcH, YoUnG JeEzY, R. KeLLy, SaLt N pEpPa, SfTp, SiMpLe pLaN, sMiLe EmPtY sOuL, sTaiNd, StArTiNg LiNe, StOrY oF tHe YeAr, LiFeHoUsE, SuGarLaNd, sWiTcHfOoT, T.I, NeLLy, ThReE-6 MaFiA, ToYa, TriCk DaDdY, thE uSeD, uNcLe LuKe, WaYnE wOnDeR, VaNeSsA cArLtOn, YeLLoWcArD, NiNa SkYy, eMiNeM....there's more...i just don't feel like putting them alll on here

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x FiNdInG nEmO x eLf x DoN't Be A mEnAcE x LoVe & BaSkEtBaLL x BeAuTy AnD tHe BeAsT x FoX aNd ThE hOuNd x aNcHoRmAn x FaSt AnD tHe FuRiOuS x FaSt AnD tHe FuRiOuS 2 x DoDgeBaLL x sTePmOm x SuPeR tRoOpErS x JaWbReAkEr x Mr. & MrS. sMiTh x LoNgEsT yArD x wHiTe cHiCkS x BiG DaDdY x LoVe DoN't CoSt A tHiNg x WiLdThiNgS x HuSh x aNy MoViE i WaTcH WiTh My BoYfRiEnD

Finding Nemo



x ThE rEaL wOrLd x iNfErNo x aMeRiCa'S nExT tOp MoDeL x THE ORiGiNAL LaGuNa BeAcH x AnDy MiLoNaKiS sHoW x Yo MaMmA x SeX aNd ThE CiTy x other than that...i don't really watch much tv..id rather be shopping 3


x CoSmOpoLiTaN x GoSsiP GirL bOoKs x PeOpLe x eLLe x VoGuE x U.S. WeEkLy x


aLL mY fRiEnDs wHo pUt Up WiTh mE tHrOuGh aLL my BuLLsHiT

PriNcEsS DiAnA..RiP dML 7/12/04

my oldest brother. he's the only one who really gets me. and he's taught me everything i need to know. from relationships to tattoos, to cars and everything else. i love him to death and he means the world to me... i love you big brotherrrr!!

My Blog

you know you're a 90s kid when.....

Anybody under the age of 15 should not read this, and if you should, you should not repost this.Just because you were born in '92 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid.It's not like you could remember the or...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 07:39:00 PST

i DiD iT...AgAiN

yeah, so sunday...i totaled my mom's car, which is the 2nd car accident i've been in in less than 4 months. the first one was in july when my friend erica flipped her car end over end and i was in the...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 05:08:00 PST

((* i LoVe YoU*))

             love is kind. it         &nbs p;         &nb. ..
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 05:03:00 PST

_* HoMeCoMiNg *_

yeah, so today is homecoming...and wow i CaN't WaiT. i woke up at like 9 this morning, and got everything together, and then i went to the HaiR DeSiGn ScHooL to get my hair colored and then get an upd...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 01:00:00 PST


fill this out about me and post it as a comment..pLeAsE? ...AbOuT yOu <31. Name:2. Age:3. Height/Weight:4. Fave Color:5. Fave Movie:6. Fave Song:7. Fave Band:8. Most Embarassing Moment:9. Are you a...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 03:58:00 PST

iF i HaD oNe WiSh <3

this is my NeW FaVoRiTe SoNg <3 RaY J-->OnE WiSh Damn baby&I just dont understand where we went wrongI gave you my heartI gave you my soulI gave you&[Verse 1]As a matter of fact I was the one w...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 12:18:00 PST

.:.wHaT iS LoVe?.:.

LoVe is the butterflies you get everytime he's around LoVe is never wanting his lips to leave yours LoVe is looking into his eyes and never wanting to look away LoVe is when you don't want t...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 09:43:00 PST

hmm...randomm...super bored

ABOUT YOUYour Full Name: Erika June SmithAge: 16Height: 5'5" ish..maybe 5' 6"Natural Hair Color: dark brownEye Color: brown-and i hate itttNumber of siblings: 3Glasses/contacts?: nopePiercings: belly ...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 05:39:00 PST

....aNd DeDiCaTe iT tO mY FaVoRiTe LoVeR <3

[Baby Bash] Energy, digging on your energy Energy, digging on your energy Energy, digging on your energy& energy Boy, Im digging on your energy (Energy) And Im digging what you telling me (Te...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Sat, 03 Sep 2005 02:56:00 PST

FoR tHe GuYs <3

A girl is much more than she [[ S e E m S > not a toy by any means... Underneath the *MaKeuP* <3 cLoThEs <3 and ~ HaiR ~ there's a sign saying ((.h a n d l e.)) with ((.c a r e.)) ...
Posted by MiSS MARCH on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 07:01:00 PST