yessica profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i am a functioning alcoholic.

My Interests

live blues music, grilled cheese sandwiches with tomatoes, whiskey, road rage, singing, making up new words, cones, cicadas singing in the trees, spelling and grammar, dancing on the inside, reading and writing, body modification, learning, not-eating-animals, loving my p53 gene(s), sleeping, behavior analysis, sarcasm and cynicism.

I'd like to meet:

honesty, passion, humility, and abner graboff


radiohead, tool, the arcade fire, the decemberists, nirvana, mogwai, devendra banhart, blonde redhead, joanna newsom, morrissey, karen dalton, the mars volta, four tet, chopin, ladytron, nick cave and the bad seeds, b.b. king, the brian jonestown massacre, bright eyes, cocorosie, explosions in the sky, sigur ros, animal collective, neutral milk hotel, broken social scene, the velvet underground, buddy guy, camera obscura, neil young, joy division, fiona apple, and oh, so many more.


horror movies, regardless of quality. team america: world police, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, spirited away, howl's moving castle, sin city, star wars, lord of the rings, requiem for a dream, waking life, the royal tenenbaums, about schmidt, dumb and dumber, zoolander.


arrested development, aqua teen hunger force, the office, flight of the conchords, cold case files, forensic files, the first 48.


fairytales and folklore, ten stupid things women do to mess up their lives, the little prince.


my mom, and Captain Applesauce.