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About Me

I'm a Spiritual psychic, Intuitive guide and Medium.
At the age of 12, I had a NDE (near death experience). While playing in the Atlantic ocean, a huge wave swept me up, and was carrying me out to sea. I can still remember being pounded against the ocean's floor, and it hurt. I then realized that I was in a tunnel. And at the end of this tunnel, was a Light. I continued on towards that light, all the while hearing two voices talking, but not understanding a word of what they were saying. As I got closer to the light, I then heard a voice say, "I set you free." Like magic, I was released from the brutal grips of the sea, and was able to make it back to shore.
....The following summer, while visiting my sister's house one day, I saw my first ghostly image in her kitchen. Although I wasn't frightened, I spoke to no one about what I had seen, for many years to come.
By age 35, my abilities (seeing, hearing, sensing, smelling and even dreams) had really peaked. I diligently prayed that these 'gifts' be taken from me, yet much to my surprise... Early one morning before climbing out of bed, the same Voice that had spoken to me while I was gripped in the hands of the Atlantic ocean, said, "You will have this." Meaning that there was no turning back, and that I was to use these gifts, for the "good." Thus, I finally allowed myself to have these God given abilites.
"May the Light guide and guard you. ~CW"
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My Blog

Local news article for 12/30/08

West credits God for giftBy PATRICK MALONE THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAINColleen West takes her gift seriously, and she's careful to point out that her clairvoyance should not be mistaken for any kind of dark m...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 06:04:00 GMT

Book Review - Soul Shift by Mark Ireland

Soul Shift - Finding Where The Dead Go, by Mark Ireland The 'journey' begins with the loss of Mark's youngest son, Brandon. Yet to his advantage, Mark Ireland knew just where to go for answers. H...
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 18:26:00 GMT

Got pain?

While I’m always sharing this on a one-to-one basis, and at various times on message boards, I thought that I would post the following here.  If you choose to use these technique’s, y...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:37:00 GMT