my musical journey starts back in the earlier80s when ive started to discover there was more then traditional portuguese music. disco sound,funk the early hip hop house etc....... dedicating myself as usual to be above the society back then listening to something from other country was considered blasfemy here in portugal! whit some ups and downs and some stops in the middle i was allways whit my feets in the scene but distant from the emerging culture around,i was allways on the underground watching the basses from the scene developing!! since then alot as change but my feet still on earth ignoring the hype and discovering daily emotions on the newcommers that cross my path.crazy but responsible! mad but concious of what is going on.
always on the run trying to learn more about the respect for diversity honnest hard working guy not deppending on thirds to achieve the goals in life. easy things are not for me! nothing comes easy to you whitout commitment and dedication.
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