People, stories, ideas...whatever. Gotta stop playing World of Warcraft first tho. Damn, I hate that game...
Whoever. No hatin' here.
MUSE, Audioslave, The Beatles, Black Sabbath, Curtis Mayfield, Dead Can Dance, Eminem, Latin Music, Marvin Gaye, Nina Simone, Outkast, Prince, Radiohead, Santana, Stevie Wonder, White Stripes, Wu-Tang
Recently: Pan's Labyrinth and Letters from Iwo Jiwa.
Deadwood, Sopranos, Rome, Avatar (love good cartoons- they're so rare)
The Teachings of Don Juan, Watchmen, Hardcore Zen, Lord of Light, Prometha, books by C. Jung, and lots of mythology. Looking for a new book to read...
Spicoli, Bhudda, Jesus, and Ron Jeremy