KawaQueen profile picture


**LiFe Is LiKe RiDiNg**

About Me

-I'm just a average girl.Just quit my nursing course..felt that the course suck to the core n i doesn't wan to waste time. Now i'm thinking what to do with my life.. police? fire fighter?i dunnoe..Love chillling outCRAAZZYY for BIKESquite a violent person..soft-hearted...have bad memory,can't remember things..shy..love hanging around...love swimming...like to play soccer but doesn't enjoying watching soccer match..I'm 18..got maself a kawasaki krr ..i'm loud also..burp all the time,can be disgusting at times(can u take it)eat kfc with 8 fingers..haha..friendly person.love SUPER SPICY food and definitely a joker...love to joke around,talk crapz,telling lame stuff.If u should try me out..causeI AM SUPER DUPER LAME N CRAPPY PERSON.i love kinder bueno!but i prefer GIOTTO!it really melt my heart,use that to make me happy when i'm down..haha..grew up in holland village area butstay at yew tee now.love cooking,trying out receipes..wahaha.i love bikes to the CORE..i love malay food..hahalove cheering people up n making ppl smile all day..Love to meet all sorts of people except for extrememely DESPO GUYS..get out!You will only enjoy my companion if u are fun n crappy n outgoing..if u are quiet..dun ask me out or even chat with me..i can't strike conversation with ppl that are quiet..basically just wasting my time talking to the wall.Need anything or info abt me..Drop by a message ya?LoLxXXx...

My Interests

Bikes Bikes Bikes...Hayabusa,Suzuki-GSX, DuCati!!!Swimming!Soccer!Muay Thai!Durian!Spicy Food!....blar blar blar...

I'd like to meet:

PPL who can accept me n my attitude n character..ppl who are super joker n lame n crappy..just wanna see if u are as crappy n lame as me.ppl who have lots to talk abt.ppl who ride fast n furious...basically i wanna meet rider..all kind of rider..to feel all kind rider skill so i can improve on mine!wahoh...
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My Blog

Hong Kong

I going hong kong this coming tues..wooohoooo..haha..not really looking forward to it cause i know i will miss alot of impt class!hai..who knows maybe get debark from exam also..if it gonna happen i w...
Posted by KawaQueen on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 04:06:00 PST

My birthday wish..

Well been quite awhile since i blog..haha..counting down to ma birthday and finally i will be able to get my bike licence..after 2 years of hard waiting.  well i definitely looking forward to the...
Posted by KawaQueen on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:20:00 PST

I'm Back..my orchestra got gold..haha...

i'm back for 1 week haha..i have a great fun over there... my orchestra won't a gold..but would u ever believe that i'm from orchestra?and i play trumpet?haha...just can't imagine huh..then freako i h...
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'm going to HOLLAND!!!!won't be online for 2 weeks!

Ok,very good..i left 3 more day in singapore..flying off to holland on 11 july.So sad..gonna leave my friends behind for 2 week..so 2 week i won't be online..sad...then after i come back,i will be lik...
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm sick..having a super bad sore throat..i didn't eat much today..must be all the band practice i have.haha..saturday night n yet i'm staying home n worst still monday starting sch n my exam is comin...
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

freaking busy

I'm like gonna be freaking busy this week..5-10 i have band practice..then next mon i have a impt test..then i'm like going out after my band prac then wake up for band..i dun even have time to study....
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Durian cake

Just got back home..wanted to go for sun-tanning session but when i arrive at the swimming pool,the sky is already super dark..so i decided to went on my second plan..which is to buy a cake for my par...
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


ok...i made up my mind..i decide to go to holland n join the band..hai..i give up dragon boat..anyway..alot ppl say is a good thing i give up dragon boat.at least i won't waste my effort last time lea...
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tough Choice..

Yesterday went back to sch for my dragon boat orientation n band audition.I went for the band audition first..the audition basically is to choose new band member recruit to HOLLAND for a world band mu...
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Woke up 9 am today..wanted to go sun tanning at clementi but weather seem hazy then check the weather out on internet then it say it will rain so i was like URGHH nvm probably take some snack then bat...
Posted by KawaQueen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST