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href="http://www.glittergraphics.us" target="_blank"ummmm! lets see i like bad boyz 1and 2 scayr movie one and two madea diary of a mad black women ( a wire HANGERRRR) madea family reunion the ring the wrong turn date movie shcool daze do the right thing ENOUGH big mommas house 1 Juwanna man 40 year old virgin (AHHHH kelly clarkson) poetic justice house party all of them class act the 5th element run tell dat you got served beat street many more!!!


The flavor of LOve GO deelishes! your out of it NEW YORK! (L0L) the parkers bet mtv vh1 movie channels .. width="425" height="350" ..


somebody said this to me isnt this shit deep!!now you are what i call a real woman should look like you with fullest of figures like the lord is true the kinda woman a man could never ignore cause when he see you there is so much more ,more reasons 2 rush home where the queen is waiting in the throne with lips hips and tits so full his every attention 2 your direction is pulled i say this greatness wouldnt you agree other females see hatrid cause they cannot be a woman like you that is one of a kind through the raging storm a ray of sunshine not just sometimes a woman off all times the woman that every man wants 2 call mines i hope i can someday cause you blow my mind but some dudes take that shit for granted!!!!!! wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!coldest winter ever g spot.. width="425" height="350" ....


ThE bAsiCs!!!
nAmE: kena bena
BiRThDaY: april 19th Aries are the shit!!!!!
ZoDIaC: aries
AgE: nona
HeiGhT: 5'5''
RaCe: Black y panamanian
CoLor: pink and red
AniMaL: dog
NuMbEr: 19
DriNk: smirnoff and zombie
CanDy: snickers
SpOrT: none
SonG: the way i love u
AcTor: jennifer hudson
BanD: none
T.V sHoW: parkers
MoVie: all of them
TyPe of MuSiC: r and b all the way
In A RelAtiOnSHip!!!
HaVe YoU EveR ChEAted: maybe
BeeN ChEAted On: of coures thats all guys are good at besides otha thins but that is some guys
All AbouT FrieNDs
My BesT FrieNDs!!!: kierra mommy laneese gena mckinley
LoUDest: kierra
ShYesT: gena
CuTest: they are all cute
SexIesT: me of course
HaPPiesT: kierra
BoSSiesT: gena
SmaRTest: gena
DumBesT: kierra
BesT SinGEr: me
BesT DanCeR: laneese
ThIs or DaT?!?!?
Mc DonALds or BurGEr KinG: BK nigga lol!!
ChoColatE / VaNiLLa: chocolate of course
LoVe / MonEY: shit bot
FrUiTs / VeGGies: fruit
DaY / NiGHt: night
Do YoU BeLieVe In ........
GoD: yes
LovE At FiRst SiGHt: no
LaBelS: no
In A bOy / GuRl!!!
Eye ColoR: brown
HaiR ColoR: no particular but i love waves!!!
ShoRt / LoNg HaiR: both
HeiGHt: 5'6 and above
BesT CloTHinG StyLE: i like the tight shirts and jeans thats cute but i also love the thug type to
FiniSH tHe SenTenCe
I LoVe: ?
I HaTe: ?
I WaNt: u
AnY QuEsTionS??? MeSSagE Me!!!