♥i'll stand by you♥ profile picture

♥i'll stand by you♥

♥ prayin my soldier comes home safe ♥

About Me

iam 20...mere months away from 21... i like tattoos and percings ill listen to just any kinda music you give to me...iam fed up with guys and their bullshit lies, sometimes i wish i was a lesbian but then i remember girls only cause more drama and there isnt enough alcohol in the world to get drunk enough to try anything wit a girl. iam not here for random hook ups or trying to find "the special one" (but if that happens well then thats another story)... iam not perfect iam not a size 2, 4, or 6 for that matter. i dont wear the "right" clothes and i could care less what the "popular" kids think of me. i can make friends with anyone, iam not a bitch like that. i was born and raised in the boondocks and a lot of the times miss it bc life was so much simpler and happy. it doesnt take much to make me happy, just respect who i am and love me for it. i refuse to change myself for a guy, no matter how sweet he is no matter how rich, good looking, proper, or perfect he may seem, if he cant love me for my imperfections hes not worth my time. if you really want to get to know me, message me...
Easter Myspace Graphics

.. a

My Interests

fun stuff... ya know
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I'd like to meet:

well it used to be a boy who isnt afraid to hold my hand in public and makes me giggle but ive given up on all hope of that so just some new friends
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ANDY! i think this pic says it all... he'll always be my hero and i can never show him enough graditude for what he and many others have done for this country!
dave- for being such a dork and always there for me :)
justine- for being like the awesome lil sister i never had and being there whenever i needa a good man bashin session
MANDI! my twin seperated at birth... too many good memories to ever forget her! "OLD MAN ON A BIKE! OLD MAN ON A BIKE!" OR "opps, umm yeah that wasnt white ink, thats uv ink"
and for all my other friends, ya know i love ya!

My Blog


i dont know whether to be pissed off, laugh, cry or just say FUCK IT!situation: i went on a date witha boy like 6 months back, he decided to play the "you're not my type" card (boy if only he knew) ha...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 04:02:00 PST

i keep playin your part, but it just isnt my scene

i dont fuckin understand where guys get the fuckin idea that they can play around with girls emotions... yeah yeah i know some girls do it to guys too but it seems like a hell of a lot more guys do it...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 11:35:00 PST

this is where it ends!

i HATE fucking lying assholes... i shall chop dicks off using only sporks and plastic butter knives and then proceed to feed them to east side squirrels!end of story!
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 06:26:00 PST

sadness in a can

so i just read something that made me want to cry... i randomly stumbled acrossed a girls page and she had a blog about her best friend dying in a car accident... and it got me thinking of Ian and how...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:07:00 PST

weekend review

ahh what a weekend! recap for those who really dont care but still manage to find themselves reading this...- didnt kill anything bc i cant aim for shit- still realized i could NEVER move back in with...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 04:29:00 PST

wayne brady NEEDS to choke a bitch

Kari Jo feels the need to throat punch a bitch then rip her heart out and proceed to shove it up her ass...well now that ive made that perfectly clear i feel much better :)
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 02:56:00 PST

I got this icebox where my heart used to be

i dont even know how to feel any more... seriously...i just dont know...i start fallin... some other girl comes into the picture... and BAM i face plant into the nice hard cement!Dear Mr. GodWhy do yo...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 06:59:00 PST

to whom it may concern... iam becoming asexual

To whom this may concern;     This here is my letter of recognition. After the years of playing games and letting men toy with my emotions, I have finally decided that I am quitting at th...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:11:00 PST

one wish...you'll never know bc you wont read this

(just a lil list i wrote a few weeks back) There are so many things I wish you really knew&   How happy I was to just be in your arms How I wished that night would never end How I could care...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 09:06:00 PST


so iam finally to the point where i need to quit lying to myself. iam though with him iam feed up with the bullshit games he plays and all his lies... stand me up once i should learn my lesson... stan...
Posted by ♥ nurse betty ♥ on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:01:00 PST