SABOTAZ IS HERE!!Sabotaz is now available at these official dealers:BRUISE - 405 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC - 604-522-7324
THE HEMP CABIN - 937 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC - 604-255-4300dealer inquiries: please contact
[email protected] SOON TO CANADA LATE 2007!!!SABOTAZ – THE GREEK ANSWER TO GRAFFITIAfter hundreds of hours of research and tests, and collaboration with the leading Greek Graffiti artists, the new Cosmos Lac line of Graffiti named SABOTAZ is ready.The new Graffiti line boasts a new label, a better quality of color, a new valve system, a greater color range and a new promotion policy.Our color line currently consists of 83 colors and we are already distributing in more than 15 countries.SABOTAZ has been given birth.www.sabotaz.comDEALER INQUIRIES:
[email protected] SOON TO CANADA LATE 2007!!!