hmz....bAsicAlly i am jUst a vEry simple chubby gAl..=X..chatty if u know me better.. a liTtle nuTcAse too sOmetiMes..loves fun but not really that fun myself...lAzy..alWays leAve wORk to LasT miN..ya..akways fascinating about life too..hmz...i think The LisT gOes On..heez...oH yA !! and mY dReAm is to OpeN a cAfe/rEstaUrAnt/bAr or HOTEL! someday in the fUtuRE~! sO iF tHat dAy cOmes and it wiLL!! ..pLs doNt fORgEt tO paTronIse k i wiLL gIve dIscOunts to fRenS~!! hee..anyway..hope to make more friends here...^o^ take care eVerYonE...
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
sOmeone wHo is Fun,humurous,caring and kNow hOw tO hoLd a cOnvErsAtion well...well acTuaLly bAsiCally anYonE wiLl dO ~~hAha~~ so Lets bE frEnz~!...hAa...=p and all my primary and secondary sch frens~!!^o^