pondering my bangs,wine bars, wishing I was a break dancer, salsa at the gym, laughing, being secretly or not so secretly naughty, making friends and enjoying the ones I already have, L.A/O.C bars, playing with my three dogs, making absurd noises/hiding/taking walks with/dancing for my godson, adoring my students, useless trivia, my future freakin' MA project...I should of just been a break dancer!Aspiring to be a spinster/naughty governess/professor...and I love my students/job
I'd like to go back in time to play tennis with myself when I was 8, smack myself in the head when I was 16 and lend a shoulder at 23...hopefully that doesn't seem too self-centered. There is a method to my madness. On the guy front:those who adore me & don't waste my time with drama. In the words of Mary J. Blige I'm always looking for more precious folk to "rep for life". MYSPACE ALIAS: Picasso's 1st Wife, Mrs. Clive Owen Wilson, The Naughty Governess, The Kinky Pulga, The Saucy Professor, and My future Rock, Paper, Scissors name: Olga "COLLEGE RULE RULES"
I love everything from hip-hop to brit pop(no particular order): Interpol, White Stripes, Barry Manilow, The Killers, Greenday, NIN, Suzzanne Vega, Britney Spears, 50 cent, the Hives, Weezer, N.E.R.D Kylie and some other hip-hop stuff, a combo of Franz Ferdinand, Foo Fighters, Beastie Boys, chick stuff like Tori A and Sarah M, Aimee Mann, Rianna, Fergie reppin' the Hac Hts Green day and more ex-Mrs. Kevin Federline, Artic Monkeys, Rufus Wainwright. To my Folly I have to admit I've also bought 30 seconds to Mars...oh the jared Leto shame! and mixed CD's that guys make to woo me like John Cusack from High Fidelity /bI would like to see live bands more often but I need someone to motivate plus live bads oten dissapoint accept TRAINWRECK! I love NPR/KPCC and KSLX for talk radio..
I am really bad at returning them back to where they were rented. Thank the gods for ON DEMAND becuase I use to lose friends over this...techonology saw the error of my ways.Name it and I've probably seen it, except horror movies but lately I've had a bit of a penchant for tourist horror movies (Wolf Creek messes with your head!)I am forever a sissy-lala but sometimes I like to go on Wikipedia and read the scary story but dare never to see it. Gosh, Everyone here is sooo movie specific: The Grifters, anything with bad singing/dancing (i.e Matthew Lillard in "She's all that" or Jason Biggs freaking the computer chair in American Pie), Danny Boyle films, anything Hitchcock, Rudy, anything by Neil LaBute, Jaws (the first three..the Jamaica one was a lamer), Closer, Heathers, Unbreakable, obscure foreign flicks that would seem too pretentious to name off, Return of the Jedi, 40-year old virgin, anything by those Anderson fellows..I keep picking directors. ZOOLANDER, Karate Kid (love to sing to the tournament montage) Empire Records..Cameron Crowe movies...Oh and I don't need a movie to be happy for me to think it is worthwhile...I NEVER WANT TO MEET
Law & Order junkie (all of them!), my new passions are Reno 911! and 24, anything on HBO is sexy (even Autopsy..kidding), BBC America stuff, HIOB w/ Ari Gold, Black Adder, Deadwood, Cathouse, The Closer, Real Sports, Project Runway, WEEDS, NIP/TUCK , DEXTER, John Stewart, , My mother conditioned me to watch HGTV when in her presence, the price of maternal affection. At least I can decorate...that's a good thing, right? I am really into National Geographic's MEGASTRUCTURES or SHARK WEEK...I did say "talk nerdy to me"... I watch too much TV and dream of the day I have no cable or tv in every room of my house
I love plays, movie versions are usually fun (like Death and the Maidien) 18th, 19th, and early 20th century academic English stuff, guy magazines that usually have hot chicks on the cover & good articles inside ( I can only read about girlies stuff like blush so many times), Brett Easton Ellis, Harry Potter, detective fiction, things Susie Bright might edit, etc.I must admit that I love Oprah magazine. I am so into Vanity Fair lately too....Esquire, GQShakespeare Represents
My parents, Yoda and Mahatma Ghandi (he kicked British Empire oppresion while wearing a toga that he made himself, only to have a brand of rice named after him.) Runners up: Betsy McCormick, and my Aunt Ruth. I'm lucky to have very strong women in my life and men who support them.For your reading entertainment...a CRUSH section of past,present, future: People always expect me to be into bad boys...I'm not. First, Clive OWEN. I don't usually crush on celebrities or after typically generic HOT guys (notice no Brad Pitt on my list)but I must note that Josh Dummel (aka TAD HAMILTON) gets a shout out..I just gotta love those tall drinks of water. My cousin just told me my list wasn't ethically diverse enough so I've added Ludacris ... Most people know I dug Owen "Butterscotch Stallion" Wilson for his cadence/other attributes, Paul Rudd has finally made me laugh so hard I just have to want him (see Reno 911 episode), Topher Grace, Edward Norton, John Malkovich, men who say smart things. Non-aries guys, guys with hot shoulders, Eddie Izzard & Ewan McGregor (they usually are wearing guyliner or/and naked), Mark Ruffalo (only in one particular movie and not those usual crappy indie comedies he does) How could I forget...JAMES SPADER!!!! Hotness through three decades
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