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About Me

Not much to write here...I Produce Music, I play Bass, Guitar, Keyboard, Ocarina, Harmonica, Bird Whistles, Recorders, Flutes, Rainsticks, The Karimba, Learning how to play Didgeridoos, and whatever else i can get my hands on, I also do vocals and vocal tracks of crazy noises and demons, hahaha fuck you...i also Work, Goto School, Smoke, Draw, and Photoshop as well, but that's about all there is. Metal Rocks, Death, Grind, Black, n' HMetal. Also, screw all the trendy fucks, who don't know shit about metal or anything of the sort, yet act like they do. Such as all them who listen to emo hardcore b.s. 24/7, and act like they know what the world is about because they can wield a razor blade and cut themselves again and again because they're "oh so sad" b/c their mommy [and/or] daddy wouldn't buy them the new Fall Out Boy CD...Please, get a fucking life and also a real genre of music, one thats not singing about killing yourself every track b/c your 6 week whore broke up with you, or you're oh so in love with this bitch you randomly fuck...boo fucking hoo...you should be listening to music that sings about taking your pain out on the slut, and at humanity, because it's all a fucking disease, nothing but a bunch of fucking maggots feeding off the world... ... ...at least listen to clicks and whistles [a.k.a rap] at least thats about fucking bitches and smoking pot/drinking and about the grinding of asses and what not...even though it makes no sense and it sucks ass and is in another language...but yeah...i'm against that...well, what do you know about Nottap Ekim? Haven't heard of him? Well you don't know shit about shit then...so don't talk to me and waste my time with your bullshit ideas and views...b/c i really don't give a fuck, nothing but :drama drama drama:...and when life gives you lemons...simply give them back and ask for some fucking oranges and apples!
Yeah yeah...I hate a lot of different people...hahaha...But for the most part...
No Coke...
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My Interests

PFSIYAM, Amputee Masturbation, Producing Music, Creating Music, Protooling, Photoshopping, Drawing, [Adult Swim], Driving, Divinity, LWBGA, Practicing, Bass, Guitar, Didgeridoo, Karimba, Acoutsical Instrumentation, Ocarina, Harmonica, Bird Whistles, Working, Money, Drinking, Energy Drinks, Smoking, Playstation, Nintendo, Music, Death, Life, Appocalypse, Television, Computers, Cars, DVDs, Food, Your Mom, etc...

I'd like to meet:

Mike Patton, because he is a music mastermind, and you are not so go fuck yourself...then wake up the next day and do it again...so then the dogs will come out and lunge at your throat, tear your jugular, and you bleed to death in a puddle of your own filth...

adopt your own virtual pet!


---PFSIYAM, Amputee Masturbation, Fucking Murder, Life Will Be Good Again (LWBGA), Divinity, OVERCOME, Acid Bath, Burnt by the Sun, Vision of Disorder, Agalloch, Neurosis, Dream Theater, Goldfinger, Surrender of Divinity, Vitality, Catheter, Mucupurulent, Machetazo, Total Fucking Destruction, Circle of Dead Children, Human Remains, Vital Remains, Incantation, Internal Suffering, Goatsblood, Goatwhore, Grimfist, Morbid Angel, Mastodon, High on Fire, Nothingface, Opeth, The Sword, Today is the Day, Tool, Eyehategod, Necrophagia, Desecration, Tomahawk, Faith No More, Dillenger Escape Plan (Irony is a Dead Scene), Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, Melvins, Big Business, Mike Patton, Peeping Tom, Shitstorm, Magrudegrind, Cephalic Carnage, Anal of Blast, Alarum, Anata, American Head Charge, Nightstick, Carcass, Cliteater, Cattle Decapitiation, Cenotaph, Electro Quarterstaff, Demilich, Dismember, Disfear, Deicide, Decapitated, Embryonic Cryptopathia, Embalmer, Gorgasm, Haemorrhage, Catchpenny, Training for Utopia, Zao, Clutch, Focal Point, Indwelling, Strong Arm, Corrosion of Conformity, American Head Charge, Wurdulak, Necrophagia, Carpathian Forest, Nasum, Darkthrone, Municipal Waste, Mesrine, Necrophagist, Pungent Stench, Rompeprop, Sanity's Dawn, Sayyadina, Severe Tortue, Skinless, Strapping Young Lad, Unholy Grave, Yacopsae etc...etc...---


[Butcher Bob, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Series, American Psycho, Ed Gein (Old One, FUCK the new one, gay as hell), The Exorcist, Halloween, Dawn of the Dead, Amityville, Live Feed...well, anything with a lot of gore and killing is all right]...[Band Videos are good, my personal favorite is the Necrophagia: Through Eyes of the Dead]...


Adult Swim, COPS, House, My Name is Earl, The Office


I, Do, Not, Read, Books, At, My, Own, Free, Will, Because, I, Have, No, Time


My Heroes are...

Sir Daxxis Of Metal Barlia

Mumma Baby Of LA

Timid Miezko Of Metal Barlia

My Blog


STOP...WATCH THIS http://www.dumpalink.com/media/1116959347 You have no life so watch it NOW! Watch it a few times while you're at it too , you'll get the song stuck in your head and also for your en...
Posted by ?i???? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Single Handed Attempt At A Revolution

not a fraction of these beliefs are believable and i haven't even begun to try to comprehend what you claim to be so true because i alone am smarter than your completely flawless outlook i can fit so ...
Posted by ?i???? on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 05:21:00 PST


....haha, it popped up when i clicked on a picture in google i was like...wtfbbq lolbahahha, lol ...
Posted by ?i???? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

W.t.f. Mate?

Guess What all you fucking stoner trance listenersor w/e the fuck you are...WARNING::::::Hahaha Sucks....b/c you already are for listening to it XDErm Don't Ask About this One...just look at the pic.....
Posted by ?i???? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

... ... ...

And now I'm getting bored of laughing out loud. We wear ego like a shroud. And we won't shut up. Yeah, we've got it figured out this time, we're sure. Indecision blessed. Put our minds to re...
Posted by ?i???? on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:06:00 PST

Hell Yeah

Ozzfest fucking rocked yesterday, i had so much fucking fun. Even though i got the shit burnt out of me...fucking sun and heat =.=...god damn... rah! lol i saw so many boobies yesterday too XD, was c...
Posted by ?i???? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


This thing's fucking weird...I'm scared of this it's all weird and shit lol...god well yeah i'm fucking bored so I did this...idk what to write about write now so fuck it ^^;; Peace~ -Pj ...
Posted by ?i???? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST