PFSIYAM, Amputee Masturbation, Producing Music, Creating Music, Protooling, Photoshopping, Drawing, [Adult Swim], Driving, Divinity, LWBGA, Practicing, Bass, Guitar, Didgeridoo, Karimba, Acoutsical Instrumentation, Ocarina, Harmonica, Bird Whistles, Working, Money, Drinking, Energy Drinks, Smoking, Playstation, Nintendo, Music, Death, Life, Appocalypse, Television, Computers, Cars, DVDs, Food, Your Mom, etc...
Mike Patton, because he is a music mastermind, and you are not so go fuck yourself...then wake up the next day and do it then the dogs will come out and lunge at your throat, tear your jugular, and you bleed to death in a puddle of your own filth...
adopt your own virtual pet!
---PFSIYAM, Amputee Masturbation, Fucking Murder, Life Will Be Good Again (LWBGA), Divinity, OVERCOME, Acid Bath, Burnt by the Sun, Vision of Disorder, Agalloch, Neurosis, Dream Theater, Goldfinger, Surrender of Divinity, Vitality, Catheter, Mucupurulent, Machetazo, Total Fucking Destruction, Circle of Dead Children, Human Remains, Vital Remains, Incantation, Internal Suffering, Goatsblood, Goatwhore, Grimfist, Morbid Angel, Mastodon, High on Fire, Nothingface, Opeth, The Sword, Today is the Day, Tool, Eyehategod, Necrophagia, Desecration, Tomahawk, Faith No More, Dillenger Escape Plan (Irony is a Dead Scene), Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, Melvins, Big Business, Mike Patton, Peeping Tom, Shitstorm, Magrudegrind, Cephalic Carnage, Anal of Blast, Alarum, Anata, American Head Charge, Nightstick, Carcass, Cliteater, Cattle Decapitiation, Cenotaph, Electro Quarterstaff, Demilich, Dismember, Disfear, Deicide, Decapitated, Embryonic Cryptopathia, Embalmer, Gorgasm, Haemorrhage, Catchpenny, Training for Utopia, Zao, Clutch, Focal Point, Indwelling, Strong Arm, Corrosion of Conformity, American Head Charge, Wurdulak, Necrophagia, Carpathian Forest, Nasum, Darkthrone, Municipal Waste, Mesrine, Necrophagist, Pungent Stench, Rompeprop, Sanity's Dawn, Sayyadina, Severe Tortue, Skinless, Strapping Young Lad, Unholy Grave, Yacopsae etc...etc...---
[Butcher Bob, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Series, American Psycho, Ed Gein (Old One, FUCK the new one, gay as hell), The Exorcist, Halloween, Dawn of the Dead, Amityville, Live Feed...well, anything with a lot of gore and killing is all right]...[Band Videos are good, my personal favorite is the Necrophagia: Through Eyes of the Dead]...
Adult Swim, COPS, House, My Name is Earl, The Office
I, Do, Not, Read, Books, At, My, Own, Free, Will, Because, I, Have, No, Time
My Heroes are...
Sir Daxxis
Of Metal Barlia
Mumma Baby
Timid Miezko
Of Metal Barlia