I'd like to meet:
Derek Shan Skirata Junior
(Yes, the bio is not in order, i am aware of that)
Derek Shan Skirata Junior, the son of Derek Skirata , who is a Mandalorian Jedi Master of The Golden Force Renegades ran by Derek Skirata Junior, and son to Bastila , a Member of The True Jedi Order.
Derek Shan Skirata Junior was born on the Planet Mandalore to Derek Skirata and Bastila. He was a stubborn young child and refused to follow directions. When he was born, his future master, Master Kebraxxis Desade was present and was with Derek and Bastila when the young Derek was born. Derek was always with either Derek Sr, Kebraxxis Desade, Bastila or Matt Darran . Matt Darran was like Derek's long-lost brother. Matt always helped Derek and helped Kebraxxis train him. One time when Derek was about 6 years old, a bounty hunter named Boba Fett was hired onto him from a person from the family Headstrong..When his mother caught word of the Bounty hired on her son, Bastila confronted Derek Jr and literally had a mental break down. Derek repeatedly tried to convince her he was safe and that Matt and Kebraxxis would keep him safe, but Bastila wouldn't listen. Bastila activated her saber and attacked her son, and Derek activated his training saber and tried his best to stop her attacks. Derek sent a distress signal from a beacon on his belt when he felt a foot hit the side of his head from his mother, knocking him out. Fortunately enough, Matt caught the distress signal and burst in the door, kicking down the door and watched as Bastila ran and fled the scene. Matt picked up the unconscious Derek and took him with him to his Starship and to the Flight Academy he lived in. Derek has never seen or heard from the Bounty Hunter or his mother since then but Derek knows that Bastila and Derek sr divorced and moved on. Derek continued his training from Matt and Kebraxxis, alert at all times.
Now that Derek has completed his training and Kebraxxis was now dead, Derek was called into an order by The Golden Guardian, Ares Starfire . Derek was a Golden Jedi Knight when he entered the Order and was soon enough an honored member in the Order. He quickly, and too quickly, advanced through the ranks and in no time was a High Golden Jedi Master, 3rd in command. Derek formed 5 Golden jedi councils and has now recruited several members, and lost many more..He did not get along with one of the retired Grand Masters, Egeltur. One day the Golden Jedi Order went inactive and Egeltur and Ares tried to form the RoG, another lightside order, over the GJO. Derek was torn at this news and fought his way through command to try and change their mind. Derek yelled at Egeltur and was about to fight him when Ares calmed him down. Ares and Derek talked for a few days and settle down at an Agreement..Derek would now lead the GJO< but under a new Name. The Golden Force Renegades..Derek still misses the GJO but is comfortable with GFR. He still talks with Ares now and then but hasn't talked about or to Egeltur since the argument. Derek hired a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter , Judo Rann to capture Egeltur but Judo denied the offer..Derek still runs GFR currently but wishes GJO was still together, fighting the Imperial Axis and the Hssiss Legion.
Derek was a famed Mandalorian, given the title The Golden Mandalorian. He had several different self-made Mandalorian Armor pairs but his most famed one was his Black and Gold one. It was a normal pair of two-colored Mandalorian Armor, except better. It had ancient Mandalorian markings on it and had several battle marks on it. Derek had not made this pair of Armor, but rather took it from a Mandalore. He killed an unknown Mandalore and took his armor, claiming the title Mandalore now. It was Derek's size, but Derek included a cloak onto it and had a belt around it, the sleeves cut off. It took Derek several attempts to kill the Mandalore but only one had succeeded..Derek was a feared Mand'Alor and was definitely one not to be messed with. Derek still commonly wears his famed Armor but rarely tells his title to people other then his followers. Several people have tried to kill him and take his armor and claim the title Mandalore, but all have failed..Derek awaits the person to succeed his title and legacy..
Derek was just a Mandalorian Gunslinger, protector of an unknown Mandalore, a famed Mandalore. Derek was his personal bodyguard and soon to be his succeeder, but the Mandalore didn't know that..Derek's first attempt at trying to kill the Mandalore was on Kamino, trying to collapse the platform he was on. Unfortunately the Mandalorian that looked like the Mandalore on the platform was his clone in his fake armor..Derek fumed at this and then went back to guarding the Mandalore. Derek respected the Mandalore a lot, but he respected him too much and wanted that title. The second time Derek tried to kill the Mandalore was on Geonosis, during a battle with the Sith. This was when Derek first got his Mandalorian designed Lightsaber Hilt and when he first confronted the TRUE Mandalorea. Derek bravely fought the Mandalore and wounded him, only left with a scar on his face Derek's,but failed to kill him. Derek's third attempt was a success, he caught the Mandalore sleeping and thrust a saber into his stomach. He took his armor and put it over his Jedi Robes, laughing at how easy it was to succeed him. Now that Derek looks back on it, Derek regrets killing the Mandalore as he was his father somewhat. Derek also regrets it because he was a better leader then Derek will ever be. But what is done, is done..third time may be a charm, but maybe it was just too much..
One night while Derek was in his Chambers, meditating, he received a hologram conversation from Ares Starfire and Master Yoda. Apparently they were in trouble and was called into war and was fighing the Imperial Axis. What Derek didn't know was that the whole Imperial Axis was there and that Derek's worst enemy was there.. Centurio Darth Sappia , leader of Hssiss Legion. Derek leads what little forces they had there that was left from the last battle and watched as the Golden Army crumbled under IA's fist..Derek saw that he and his ship were the last ones there and that it was a very dramatic battle. He had on his Mandalore Armor and was very weakened at the moment from the last battle. When he reached the ground, whatever was watching over him made him fight Darth Sappia. Derek fought Sappia for hours on end, taking turns hitting each other. Finally, Derek's Darkside came through and controlled him, making him sacrifice himself for GJO's sake and to save his Forces. He was taken hostage by ÃÃ¥rth lmmølÃ¥të and Lord Raze , the leaders of the Imperial Axis. Derek was slightly questions, but was obnoxious and weak, so he was carbonated. He was on the wall of Lord Raze's Chamber for quite some time before the followers of the unknown Mandalore's forces that Derek took control of broke him out and saved him. Derek is still recovering and owes his life to his men and women..For Derek, life is going to be hell with the Imperial Axis after him..
More coming soon in all categories..