high-top sneakers, boom boxes, room-size loafs of warm bread, ripcords, The American Mime Theatre, pointy-soft things, teeth, drawing teeth, framing things that shouldn't be framed, pink metal, stylish cooking utensils, fancy people, fancy spices, fancy people covered in fancy spices, contour pillows, gangsta rap, colorful puddles in Chinatown, defective limbs, pretending my limbs are defective, raw fish, sticking things to other things, buttons, glass negatives, making buttons out of glass negatives, dry erase boards, fine-point Sharpies, disguises, sweeping (floors AND bangs), being very still, florescent sunglasses/florescent spray paint, shuttle buses, roof parties in the winter, Apples to Apples, bright yellow mittens (found), crime dramas, gay-sagas, worn cassette tapes, earmuff headphones, living above a bagel shop, stencils, spray-chalk, ROBOTS, anything small and mechanical.
R. Kellylearningtoloveyoumore.com
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Sounds, Goldfrapp, New Pornographers, The Organ, Architecture in Helsinki, Metric, TV On the Radio, Junior Senior, Metric, Chicks on Speed, The Blow, Of Montreal, The Decemberists. Yeah.
No One Belongs Here More Than You.
Ted Hoagland, Gladden Schrock, KG