A Bitch Can't Get A Blunt Up Outta Me
"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction" -Bob Marley
"I want freedom for the full expression of my personality" -Mahatma Gandhi
"Words build bridges into unexplored regions" -Adolf Hitler
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment" -Buddha
Check it bro, the names Marco
I'm probably the biggest stoner you'll ever meet.
Mota gets me through the day haha
TAKEN and loving it
I love you Annesia. 9/10/07 Forever & Ever baby
Smoking is like a hobby for me.
Camel Menthols are my favorite ciggs in the whole world.
To me, they're like little sticks of gold.
I don't give a fuck about getting cancer.
I'll continue smoking even after it kills me.
I cut off my scene hair. boo hoo.
Who really gives a fuck?
Its just some dead fucking protein growin outta my damn skull
I think I'm in relatively good shape.
I'm 5'9" 132 lbs. and 3% body fat.
I read/speak Japanese pretty well.
Though latley I've been getting really rusty .very sexual person.
Most of the time I'm thinking about something perverted.
Sex is like an addiction of mine XD haha
Don't get it twisted, I don't photoshop my shit.
Don't judge me before you know me.
I gaurantee you'll be in for a big surprise.
I Enjoy: Chain Smoking, Wu Shu, Pornos, Hot Sauce On Anything Edible, Ganja, Gettin Head, Energy Drinks, Fights, Creampies, Pan-Sexuals, Foreign Films, Sleeping Naked, Dismembered Bodies, Vampires, Not Using Condoms, Visual Kei, Body Modification, Hairless Bodies, Bongs, Buddha, Rough Sex, Resin Covered Lighters, Blood & Gore