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Random Quote: * I Will Own Your Face! *

My Interests


I love movies... Stanley Kubrick once said that if it can be written, it can be captured on film... I love movies for what they are... moving living literature... to fully appreciate cinematography, you need to fully appreciate literature...


I 3 Discovery Channel... yea i know...im a nerd...


The Divine Comedy by Alighieri Dante, Anything by shakespeare (especially Caesar and Titus Andronicus), 1984, Catch 22, The Art of War, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's, Les Miserables, Waiting for Godot, Candide, anything by Edgar Allen Poe, Anything by Samuel Becket, I read millions of other books, my two favorite magazines are Mental Floss and Scientific American (yea, i know, im a nerd)