Zine Fest Houston is an event dedicated to promoting zines, minicomics and other forms of small press, alternative, underground and diy media & art.
It is also a grassroots attempt to build the local zine, diy and alternative media scenes and form networks with media creators in other areas.ADMISSION IS ALWAYS FREE and table space is provided free or at-cost for zinesters, writers, artists, distros and other individuals and groups involved in the creation, publication distribution or promotion of alternative media and diy.The festival is a new and different experience every time, offering a diverse new crop of zines and other projects every year (including many never before seen anywhere else) and other unique sights (such as a live chicken manning one of the exhibitor tables during our first festival). The goal of the event is for attendees to not only discover new zines, but also to be inspired to create their own diy art and media projects.######## 35;######### 35;######### 35;######### 35;######### 35;######### 35;Visit www.zinefesthouston.wordpress.com for more information