_-FaD–JeDzLin®-_ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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i Can b sWeET, When You'Re niCe To mE... I CaN b wiCkeD,wHEN u KÈep tEas!nG mE... i Can ß baD wHEn U DuNn0 h0w t0 ApPrEciatE mE... I CaN Juz B Me, n0T tHe OtHeRs Even tH0' uR aSkin' mE... "

My Interests

font color=white DaYana n Ija [ BestEst fwEn Ever],aPpLe CrumBLe wiF ice~creaM... IcE-CreaM..LaSagnE..ChEese.., waTchin' MoviEs, MuSic, tHe Shades of BaBybLu3,anGeLina JoLiE.. maRiaH CarEy...~sHop till me drOP!~, a go0d moviEs.., a GoOd fOoD.., a gOod Zzz..gLrS niTe oR day ouT (", ) *wink*..,

I'd like to meet:

mY oL', rECent & Long Lost F.r.i.E.n.D.s who wants to Keep in touch!!NO STRANGERS PLEASE!! BUZZ OFF!! COZ' I won't add U!!


BoYz 2 mEn ¤ MariaH CarEy ¤ DrU HiLL ¤ 112 ¤[ RnB& souL all nitE Long] ¤ "ouR GuDnitE sonG".... (",)


The Lil' RaScaL ¤ SavE tHe LasT DancE ¤ Fast & Furious ¤ BaD BoyS ¤ 10 tHinGs i HaTe about YoU ¤ My BesT Fr!end weDding ¤ CLueLeSs ¤ cRueL iNtenTion ¤ HonEy..[tHe LisT i'll goeS on]


fRienDs ¤ SEx & tHe CiTy ¤ ChaRmEd ¤ SaBRina tHe TeEnaGe wiTcH ¤ PoPuLaR ¤ GiLmorE GirLs ¤ amEriCaN iDoL ¤ tHe BacHeLoR ¤ amERiCa 's nExt toP moDeL ¤ avEraGe joE ¤


Bo0kS?.. .. SoRRy... i dun't rEaD, BuT i EaT em'.. YuMmy!! BurP (^-^)


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