The Conduit Bible Study meets at Journey Ecclesia on Monday nights at 7:30pm. For directions please go to Conduit is a weekly gathering of people who search the scriptures for the messages that God Himself placed in the Bible for us to find led by Darren Tyler. Our response to the treasures we find is profound and simple: we change. As we go through the Word, the Word goes through us, and when God has a chance to do that, the Word divides us up, it cuts us, it heals us.. In short it's like surgery. Painful at times, but from the inside out we are healed.A conduit is not a lake. It is created simply to move resources (specifically water) from one place to another. Our goal is to be a conduit of Gods power, of Gods love, and of Gods resources.One of the ways that plays out is in our giving. We live in a country where there are abundant resources. The Conduit Bible Study seeks to move those resources to places that are in grave need. The over head is purposely kept low in order to accomplish the goal to "live simply that others might simply live" The money given is going to organizations who are providing basic living needs such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care.
To donate to the conduit please use the above link. Thank you!