Making new friends, SNOWBOARDING, teaching, reality TV, crafts, painting, soccer, gymnastics, traveling, reading, taking pictures, watching movies, and spending time with family! Oh.. and Cirque du Soleil!!!
Anyone with a positive attitude and enjoys relaxing and having a good time!..
My newest favorite is Hem. But I like most everything... especially Sarah Brightman!
Just Like Heaven; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Thomas Crown Affair; The Notebook; You've Got Mail; Pretty Woman; Sleepless in Seattle; Harry Potter; The Island; 50 First Dates; Lord of the Rings; Finding Neverland; Disney; and most all "chick-flicks"!!!
American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Beauty and the Geek, Gilmore Girls, Survivor, Lost, & House.
HARRY POTTER (all of them), Bud, Not Buddy, The Da Vinci Code, The Essential 55, Ender's Game, Stargirl, Memories of Summer, The Great Benedict Society
My family... most recently, Grandpa Nunn, RIP. Overall, anyone who has made a difference in the world!