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I love working out, but I also love being lazy in front of the television or going out doing something outdoorsy. I guess just whatever floats my boat that day.
First the person who invented the little plastic things at the end of your shoestrings and I KNOW they have a name but Im too stupid to know it, anyways...that person had to have gotten rich off of something tiny like that, and it is rather brilliant if I do say so myself.Next would be Albert Pujols, that guy is my modern day hero not merely because he is a baseball god but also due to how he has dealt with things in his personal life and such, thatd be an amazing chat I would hope.Following in the batting order would be Colin Powell, I have the utmost respect and admiration for that man. Next up would be Kate Beckinsale because I am obsessed in a big big way with her (as if that much isn't obvious) sue me lol ;)Finally I'd like to go back into time and hang out with Steve Prefontaine (the most amazing American runner ever) just to see what made him click.
I am an odd person when it comes to this, I like all types but mainly: 80's music...big hair/pop..doesnt matter, Im living in the past I suppose ;) Country music...I blame my Missouri background on this Dance music...gets me awake in the mornings and keeps me up at night...cant go wrong with favorite bands though are Counting Crows and GooGoo Dolls (told ya i was odd) Maybe I need some new favorite bands like Nickleback and Linkin Park...*shrug*
I will watch anything that doesn't involve dolls...porcelain dolls freak me the hell out
I love waching 24, CSI, and actually enjoyed Everyone Loves Raymond (bc his father is a sarcastic arse and its amusing)and totally head over heals obsessed with LOST
Oh here we go...I read all kinds of books all the time, maybe a little nerdy but I dont care, I like to read :D All the Dan Brown novels (DaVinci Code etc), get a little crazy with Harry Turtledove and his alternate history books, used to be big into anything Tom Clancy...ya Im odd... and ya I like fantasy stuff like the Wheel of Time and A Song of Ice and Fire series..those are very cool.
Because of my extensive track and field background I can say my hero is Steve Prefontaine, he was a complete stud. but most of all, Im my own hero ( ya ya ya'll couldnt get away with me showing absolutely NO arrogance now could ya? ;)