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About Me

Born in 1977 (July), Diego spent his early wonderyears (how could you guess)playing soccer on and next of the field, this even continued in his beddreams. Talking about being fanatic...
For his school teachers and parents Diego was a real menace and hard tohandle, madness seemed to be his only drive, as he gets bored rapidly abouttheories and nagging wether it was good or bad mented. However he alwaysdecide to go further than anyone else, he knows about boundaries, it onlytakes to understand his complex character which can be described as roughbut gentle inside.
After many years playing on the field and nobody sidelined to watch histalents, he promised himself he would get talent acknowledgement elsewhereand in different ways, although he would never let go of the game, Diegonoticed that there was more and even better music playing on the radio andtv than in his favourite series such as:
"Dukes of Hazard" and "Chips", "A-team" "The Knightrider"...and many more.
At the age of 12, his family gave him his first stereo as a presentfor his communion, not realising what impact that was going to have in hisfuture interests. Spending composing his own tapes with songs he heard onradio progrmas, he tried to make his own mixes as he was fascinated by theway how Dj's pulled it off. It got even worse when he bought composed mixedcd's of known Dj's in that period, and the surrendered to the viruspermanently...
Ever since then, he sharpened his ears and soul even more for electronicmusic, such as tehno and later on house. He felt that music is a reflectionof who you are and had a glimp of what he would liked to become., findingthe tools to fullfill his former promise he made to himself.. Four yearslater, he bought himself what he needed to do so, 2 decks and a mixer werepart of his room furniture. Driving his family and neighbours at home toultimate madness, Diego started experimenting in his room, forgetting aboutthe world.
During that period, he got to know BC as a friend and collegue in longnights of festivity though he admits there are some major black outs there(acknowledgement by BC, whisky is the name) - they agreed they were brothersin music and many other things (soccer is the game).
When arriving adolescence, their way separated temporarely, as Diego gotmarried to his loving wife "Sofie" and BC was too busy realising his dream,hunting records and finally performing on stage.
They found eachother again, couple of years after, when BC was surprised andstunned of the way how Diego made progress mixing and decided to give him anopportunity to play on one of his own project that time. A noble gestureregarding the way how BC rolled into the scene. Vitus aka burruchaga wasborn...
Playing all kinds of genres in house and techno, Diego has widened hishorizon and dares to experiment in sets with new and classic, mastered finesynchronized mixing and always in for a surprise within the set. Which makeshim the born entertainer he deserves to be...
Danny DB

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Member Since: 03/08/2007
Type of Label: Major

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Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:05:00 GMT