About Me
I'm pretty cool once you get to know me. Love my family and friends. Hate it when people flake on ya when they're supposed to be your true peeps, but whatever! I treat everyone the way I wanna be treated even though it doesn't always happen. That's alright, it's ok can't let rediculous antics upset me. I give myself high expectations, and I try real hard to followup with it. I have a beautiful daughter (Roslinh) and a wonderful fiance.. (Sy). We are still working on our careers, because we would like our daughter to have something we never had growing up, and that's good examples of success, goals, doing what you want if you really put forth the effort, and just good values. I'm very honest, loyal, and try to be a good person. I'm not perfect yet...j/k but I try to do what's right. I might just be the coolest person I know, LOL but that's probably what alot of people say on their profiles. However it's true, in my case. I like to have a good time without all the drama that usually come along with alcohol.Having a hero or someone to look up to is very important especially in today's society. There's so many people out there following the wrong crowd or even growing up in a bad family or upbringing. I know sometimes life gives us curve balls, but it's how we deal with it is all that matters. Are you gonna just strike out or are you gonna smack that curve ball outta the ballpark and make a run for it? Life is about learning, as we age and that's why I say respect your elders. You never know what a person's gone through in their lives. Just shut up and listen, they may have the best advice you'll ever receive. Look at the glass half full instead of half empty, and enjoy life like it's the last days of your life because you never know when that is. LOVE deeply because you never know when the last time you'll see someone. Whether it's your family, friends, or acquaintances. It doesn't have to be intimately, love can be as simple as dropping by to visit a friend who's ill. Life is precious and short, it really is, so stop all the hating and immaturity. It won't get you anywhere... but locked up. Why would you wanna waste most of your life behind bars? That's a waste of time and life, and my tax money.So, maybe someday in case we meet you'll know for certain how I really am, but for the mean time that's all I can offer is my self analyzation. Love, peace, and chicken grease.
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