Flash Brighter than the Sun profile picture

Flash Brighter than the Sun

About Me

Contact info: [email protected]
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Updates as of June 29, 2008 in bold:
So this myspace page kind of started out as a joke, but I (Tony) think I might take it a little more seriously now (though I'm gonna leave our stupid jokes up :] ). This band is mostly just me. I played music with some people and we wrote some songs for a few months, and then it dissolved. I thought highly enough of the songs to record them, and at least 90% of the recordings is just me. I'm re-working my demos with a new drum program (I'm not that good of a drummer as far as recording), and I figure that'll give me a good cornerstone to build from for some more professional sounding recordings. I did re-work the songs, but I didn't have enough patience for that damn drum program. I'd sit there for about thirty minutes working on it, get about 20 seconds worth of a song done, and then I didn't even like the way it sounded so I stood up in frustration, and shouted at the inanimate objects around me, saying "Screw this, I'm just gonna go play." And so, I grabbed three mics, (one kick, one snare, one for overhead), some sticks and just played.
I don't claim to have recorded well. I don't know much about equalizing, compression, and all that stuff to do it. Also, half of the equipment I have was free or junk that I fixed. But anyways, homemade demos aren't supposed to sound perfect, and the perfectionist in me needs to realize that they just aren't going to be as good as I want them. In the past, this prevented me from posting things online, or sending out demos to record labels.
I don't think this page will help all that much, because myspace is soooo saturated with garbage music that was even more cheaply recorded than my stuff. But hey, it can't hurt, right? Because after all, myspace gives anyone the chance to expose people to their music, which is all you can really do. And if it's something that hits people the right way and resonates, job well done.
original stupid bio: It all started with the great alien invasion in the winter of 19 ought 7. So, me and Teddy Roosevelt went with Christian Bale and the rest of the Newsies to strike against their oppressive form of alien newpapership. In a completely unrelated matter, we were born some four scores later and met each other and played music. The end. So tune in tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel for further developments....

My Interests


Member Since: 8/2/2007
Band Members: Chim-Chim the Monkey: counting to four
Grayson Gaunt: shaking the floor
Tony Vanden-Eynden: toque todos los instrumentos, por favor
Sara Wilcox: poking badgers with spoons and forks
David Perlow: letting us know if we were too mainstream haha
Samantha Huber: singing girly style on Body Language

Other bands any of us were in:
Latent Learning
Johnny Unite Us
Influences: tomato sandwiches and hot dogs

I really despise when bands say something like "influences make you sound like someone else." .... Huh? They're influences because they are there... you don't necessarily choose them. I didn't really want to list to John Michael Montgomery, but my sister had me listening to it all the the time. Then I made her listen to Soul Asylum. These influences happened and they are part of your musical background, inevitably shaping the music that you are writing now....

Or as Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff put it:
"I am a Russian composer, and the land of my birth has inevitably influenced my termperament and outlook. My music is the product of my temperament, and so it is Russian music. I never consciously attempt to write Russian music, or any other kind of music, for that matter. I have been strongly influenced by Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov, but I have never consciously imitated anybody. I try to make my music speak simply and directly that which is in my heart at the time I am composing. If there is love there, or bitterness, or sadness, or religion, these moods become part of my music, and it becomes either beautiful or bitter or sad or religious. For composing music is as much a part of my living as breathing and eating. I compose music because I must give expression to my feelings, just as I talk because I must give utterance to my thoughts."
Sounds Like: as my sister put it, "You sound like this one band but I just can't quite put my finger on who it is." And the next song on the CD played, and she said, "nevermind, you don't sound like whoever-I-was-trying-to-think-of at all. But this one reminds me of, crap, I can't think of who it is." And then the next song would play, and she said the same thing again... and again... and again.....

what Sara and I originally wrote while really tired, and possibly drunk: Rachmaninoff and Dostoevsky sitting down for a nice shot of vodka, despite the fact that Rachmaninoff was 8 when Dostoevsky died. They start 'em young over there; is that why everyone is so depressed? Some psychologists will tell you that the long winters invoke "SAD" the apt acronym for "seasonal affective disorder." Shit, if I couldn't go out side 7 months out of the year I'd probably get really sad too. I'd miss all the sunshine and lollipops, rainbows and happy thoughts and everything is wonderful and we're together.... Brighter than a lucky penny, when you're near the rain cloud disappears, dear.... See, just sing that song and the weather changes. If only Lesly Gore had been alive to show them the way!
Record Label: Unsigned

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