Scratch, Scratch, Scratch My Head |
According to Yahoo News, Scientist narrows bin Laden hideout to 3 spots.Hey, here's just a thought. Tell the Army this first. They go get the guy. And then tell Yahoo News the Army caught bin Laden. ... Posted by on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 13:55:00 GMT |
Interview with a spaceman |
In a recent interview I conducted with an Intergalactic Traveler, I asked the following.Me: So what's the universe like?Spaceman: It's a large, empty hole with random pockets of crap here and there.... Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 13:46:00 GMT |
Scorpions and the Frogs who love them. |
This story has played in my head for a few days. I know two friends that need to hear this one.The story is about a scorpion asking a frog to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stu... Posted by on Tue, 18 Nov 2008 23:16:00 GMT |
Dear Balatantly Racist Joke, |
Dear Mr. Blatantly Racist Joke,I have noticed a surge in your popularity over the last 36 hours. You are like the guy that most of us wish would stop hanging around. Everybody in the know tries to pol... Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:20:00 GMT |
4 cents worth due to the weaken dollar. |
I have voted in every presidential election since my 18th birthday. And since then I have had to "choose for the lesser of two evils."Great, I can either pick a long cock down my throat or a thick pri... Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 15:09:00 GMT |
Something from a Thrity Six Year Old |
Ready to start his fourth year at Hogwarts School for Witch & Wizards, little did Harry know that dark times were ahead. When we return to Behind the Magic Carpet: Harry Potter: The Dork Who Lived... Posted by on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 03:54:00 GMT |
Something that struck me. |
The next James Bond movie is titled The Quantum of Solace. Meaning:The measure or amount one takes comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress. Skip that fact that it is a title to an action spy movie,... Posted by on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 20:07:00 GMT |
Rednecks got a bigfoot body in their grandmother’s deep freeze. |
Something greatly depresses me about the idea that Jed and Nathan found a bigfoot in Georgia and didn't skin it and eat it. What next, Aliens in Alabama? Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:39:00 GMT |
Velveeta Room 20th Anniversary Comedy Weekend Events |
Let's face it, although Austin has a great A Room Comedy Club, the heart and soul of Austin Stand Up is at the Velveeta Room. It's the club that Austin Comics typically get their first paying gig, tes... Posted by on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:24:00 GMT |
Random Work IMs |
[18:37] Rabon: I just figured out the best music to listen to while doing this job. Joy Division.[18:37] ME: sucide watch on Rabon stat[18:37] Rabon: hahaha[18:38] ME: Shit I love Joy Division but I c... Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 16:40:00 GMT |