I'm LoOkiN fOr ThAt oNe GuY wHo WiLL jUst tAkE mY brEatH aWaY!
SoMeOne to Be tHeRe FoR mE aS i Do ThE sAmE fOr HiM.
I dOnT wAnT a LiTTle Boy ThAt PlaYs ChilDiSh GaMes.
LiFe Is ToO sHoRt To Be WaStInG tIme On BoYs.
I wAnT a ReAl MaN!
I wAnT A gUy To Be My SuPeRmAn & I'll Be HiS oNlY kRyPtOniTe... =D
Any thing funny && or really really scary! Lol And some chick flicks too..
My hero is my brother Darwin. His the strongest man I have ever meet in my life. His has been through so much in life but continues and never lets anything or anyone hold him back from enjoying life. His also a U.S. Marine and has been over in Iraq more then three times. Even tho he's a hero to all of us, I will always be his biggest fan and admirer. :-D I love my big bro!