couture... has retired. profile picture

couture... has retired.

Your idea of romance is popping the can away from my face.

About Me

DJ: Was I an accident?
Roseanne: No, DJ, you were a surprise.
DJ: Oh. What's the difference?
Roseanne: Well, an accident is something that you wouldn't do over again if you had the chance. A surprise is something you didn't even know you wanted until you got it.


My Interests

i love you nathan william, always and forever.




I envy their innocence.

my christopher lee. I dont know where i'd be without you. you've definatly pushed me through my hardest times, and i don't know where i'd be right now if it wasn't for you... i love you more than anything *sides nathan* and you're the best father anyone could ask for. thank you for being there for me... :)