? whateverlife.com
♥ . ♥ . ♥ . ♥ . ♥
Forget everything you think you know about me
& everything you've heard... We're starting from scratch.
I'm Simply One Of a Kind :)
What I do, Or do not do, Is NONE of your business.
& who I'm with isn't public information.
I'm a bit hard to figure out...
But I wouldn't change who I am for anything.
I always speak my mind, It gets me into trouble.
I'm extremely sarcastic, but it's all in good fun.
I trust very few people, You probably aren't one of them.
I will remember every word you say to me.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
No One Runs My Life For Me.
I know that I can be irresponsible and impulsive,
But I want to live life on My Own Terms.
Don't spit your game at me, I'm not interested.
And don't try to impress me either.
Give me a reason to like you for You.
I fuck up alot, and I have no problem admitting that.
I get myself in the most ridiculous situations,
Things you could pull straight from a movie.
Ultimately I Make my Life Harder Than It Has to Be.
But I know I have the strength to over come anything.
I can't change the past, I'm not proud of some of the
things I've done, but theres nothing I can do about it now.
I'm not going to run away from my problems,
But I'm not going to dwell on them either.
Bring On the Sunshine
Don't feed me bullshit, Candy is better :)
I like who I am, I love what I do.
& I KNOW what I want.
I know what Love is, & I am not willing to fake it.
Love is NOT for Stupid People.
Don't judge me the first time you meet me.
My first impression won't teach you anything about who I am.
I am NOT like other girls.
So please don't expect me to be.
I laugh more than I breathe, And I love that.
I'm too old for your highschool drama, so keep it to yourself.
I've spent too much time on people who have fucked me over.
I've learned that no matter how well you think you know someone, They will probably turn their back on you at some point.
I've come to realize that some things and some people,
Are just not worth it.
I love to have fun, So don't be a Buzzkill.
My closest friends mean the WORLD to me.
They know there's a part of me worth keeping ;)
Me, Katelyn, & Jess
The Blondourage.