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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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"aiM fOr suCceSS, nOt peRfectiOn.. nEveR giVe uP yOur riGht to bE wrOng, bEcAuSe thEn yOu'LL LoSe tHe abiLity tO LeaRn neW thiNgS aNd moVe fORwaRd wiTh yOur LyF.."amBitiOus, cOuraGeous, dOmiNant, stRoNg wiLLed, pOsiTive, iNdepEndEnt, seLf-cOnfiDent, tHere iS nO sUch wOrd aS doUbt iN mY vOcaBuLaRy, aNd i aM seLf-coNtroLLed.. i am aN uNcOmpLicaTed pErSon, wHo kNowS eXactLy wHat i wAnt aNd uSes aLL my eNerGy, cReaTiviTy aNd reSoLutiOn tO gEt iT, aS weLL aS bEiNg cErtAin tHat i wiLL gEt wHatEver i aM aFteR.. i tHiNk aNd aCt biGGer tHan otHers wOuLd nOrmaLLy dAre..beiNg sTrong wiLLed sHows mY fiXity oF puRpOse aNd reLiabiLity oF oPiNions aNd pRiNcipLes.. i aM sTrongLy iDeaListic, hUmanE, aNd benEfiCent.. i nEver bAse aLL of mY eXpeCtaTioNs oN whAt i sHouLd gEt, bUt raTher baSes tHem oN whAt i cAn giVe tO, or dO.. a qUiEt pErsOn, i wOn't tRy tO gAin aTTentiOn, iNstEad i giVe pEopLe tHe chAnCe tO nOtiCe thE rEaL mE..