Nate<x>dogG profile picture


waiting for january, but for now, play the joker..............

About Me

i have iron in my brain, titanium in my back, my bones are as hard as granite, my skull is like stasinless steel, i am HARD[to the]CORE (the first 2 things are completely true, the rest just seeem to be)hXc-sXeembrace the PAIN, embrace the WHEELCHAIR

My Interests

sports, music (i wish to be in a band, back up vocals and/or screamer) videogames, electronics, cars,stand up comedy (hey, a guy can dream right?) and poetry

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, CHUCK NORRIS!! Mark Richt, all coaches of UGA athletics, every past and present members of UGA football and baseball, Theo Epstein, Terry Francona, all members of the Boston Red Sox Teams specifically David "Big Papi" Ortiz, J.D. Drew, Jonatha Paplebon, Daisuke Matsuzaka, Hideki Okijima, Kevin Youkelis, and Mike Lowell, then the rest of the team, finally, Ichiro Suziki


when honor steps aside!! big house! the devil wears prada, cambden, 12 stones, blessed is he, gray lines of perfection, jud kossum band, the wolverines, angles, worship 101,38th parallel, riley armstrong, heath mcnease, family force 5, P.O.D., the sophmore attempt, there for tomorrow, the fold, everyday suhnday, chasing victory, one minute halo, seperated, pillar, the wedding, our finest hour, inkblot, dizmas, fireflight, o theos divine, dead poetic, blindside, beyond me, burning regret, burden of a day, underoath, forever changed, the classic crime, falling up, relient k, staple, monroe brown, lifehouse, spoken, demon hunter, mortal treason, haste the day, norma jean, dc talk, skillet, chevelle, subseven, the swift, kutless, as i lay dying, monroe, as cities burn, start it over, our departure project, the almost, in loving memory, with blood comes cleansing, red letter bullet


all 3 lord of the rings, all 6 star wars, both x-men movies, both spiderman flicksa, both shreks, blade 1 & 2, robin hood men in tights, and dumb and dumber (the first 1... not thje idiotic sequal)


whatever catches my eye while channel surfing


the ones i write, and the bible


God, my dad then my friend john...... super heroes: wolverine, blade, flash gordon, trunks (from dragon ball z)+ jon lester

My Blog

just to inform people who may not know........

so i was in class today and we got an assignment to read the new newsweek magazine and answer some questions on it. so, i did, and there was this article on the upcomeing movie the da vinci code. o i ...
Posted by (-NatE-) on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 01:14:00 PST


HOLY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! O MY FREAKIN GOSH I FEEL SOOOOOOOO DUMB!!!!!! its like what the heck have i done 2 myself!!!! ok, i'll start from the begining. so at like 10:00 PM jason comes over 2 beat ...
Posted by (-NatE-) on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:28:00 PST


not everyboy will get this but this is for thos that know jason and have seen bob-o. i worte this song when i got home after church 1 night when i was in a bad mood, so i wrote this so i could la...
Posted by (-NatE-) on Fri, 02 Dec 2005 03:05:00 PST

hey kids...dont try this at home...

hey guys this is nate bell, i have just been through sheer horror. as u all may or may not know i am addicted 2 mountain dew. this is my story. so i was drinking a mountain dew, and my friend stew mad...
Posted by (-NatE-) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST