One too many to discuss in here... good topics and good times...
All kinds... even the green little people... or just "the little people"...
like all kinds of music... yes! even some classical... and if that makes me uncool, then so be it...
Lock-Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Io la Conoscevo Bene, Bus Stop, A Gun for Hire, The Heiress,Taxi Driver, El Crimen Del Padre Amaro, Amores Perros, La Classe Operaia va in Paradiso, Office Space, Il Postino, Dear Frankie, Nosotros Los Pobres, Todo El Poder, La Ragazza de la Valigia, A Donde Vas Corazon?, El Santo Contra Las Momias de Guanajuato, Totò, Matando Cabos, Peppino e la Malafemmina, Vertigo, Una Vita Difficile, Strawberry Blond, Gilda, Shooters, El Bulto, The Departed, Lucia, El Mil-Usos, Alli Esta El Detalle, Swimming with Sharks, Warriros, Linda e il Brigadiere, Conejo en la Luna, Mad Max, The Usual Suspects, Another Day in Paradise, Dead Reckoning, Cadaveri Eccellenti, The Wild One, A Bronx Tale, Deserto Rosso, Dos Charros y Una Gitana, I Vitelloni, Three O'Clock High, The Return of the Pink Panther, Airplane, L' Avventura, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, La Dolce Vita, Chopper, Cooler, Un Americano a Roma, 300 (obviously), Temporada de Patos, etc.... yes, again, one too many!
Any George Carlin (HBO Special) - the man is a genius; Luis de Alba AKA "El Pirrurris"; Rod Serling original (black and white) "Twilight Zone"; and, oh yeah, I am in love with Willie (the Simpsons)...
The Catcher in the Rye, Animal Farm, The Little Prince, La Reina del Sur, Rachel's Holiday, Entre Las Sombras, Don Quijote, La Noche de Tlatelolco, Mascaras, El Gringo Viejo, Que Paso Con Don Gregorio?, Stray Dogs, Conversations with the Mann, La Cucina, Love is a Racket, Abril Rojo, Another Day in Paradise, Crime and Punishment, La Novia Oscura, The Chatham School Afair, Jemima, Hasta No Verte Jesus Mio, El Laberinto de la Soledad, The Count of Monte Cristo, Delirio, The Face, Cien Anos de Solitud, El Alquemista, Lord of the Flies, The Mastership Game, Marina, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Jester, Brave New World, Los de Abajo, The Island of Doctor Moreau, Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Canción Desesperada (Pablo Neruda), 1984, Los Anos Con Laura Diaz, El Arcipreste de Hita, Johny Got His Gun, Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, Catch-22, Priest (graphic novel), EZLN Documentos y Comunicados, Las Costas del Paraiso, Los Espacios Poéticos de Rubén DarÃo, La Sombra Del Viento/The Shadow of the Wind, The Taken, many DC Comics, many Marvel Comics, many Image Comics, etc... one too many!
Jesus (both devine & historical one), my mom, Subcomandante Marcos, Ernesto (Che) Guevara, L'abbé Pierre, General Francisco (Pancho) Villa, and all doggies