Bugsy ! profile picture

Bugsy !

So this is what i get

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I Play guitar in Borkum Riff and drink beer that is all you need to know..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet anything


Black flag , Stooges , sonics rendezvous band, Sonic youth, saints, wipers, lightning bolt, radio birdman, comets on fire,blue oyster cult, Husker du, Bad brains , Destroy All monsters, Dinosaur Jr,Cosmic Psychos, 13th floor elevators, the muffs, the pandoras,chuck berry,motor city 5, the aints, celibate rifles, scientists, the cramps,the meanies, X (both bands), the powder monkeys, bored, Tism, the eastern dark,the descendants, smudge, dick dale, the stone roses, new order, joy division, the buzzcox, jesus and mary chain,elastica, Fugazi,Venom p stinger, Dirtbombs, Sunn o))), Spacemen 3, Shellac, Hard ons, deep where all drown, beasts of bourbon,comets on fire, High rise, gun club, shellac, blue oyster cult,the replacements, the minutemen, kyuss,mission of burma, motown, died pretty the triffids.....etc.etc.etc.etc


the good the bad and the ugly, for a fist full of dollars, for a few dollars more, fear and loathing in las vegas, the right stuff,star wars X 3,indiana jones X 3,2001 a space odessy.


futurama, the simpsons, king of the hill, southpark,dave chappelle,saturday night live anything on discovery, history or national geographic channel. the news


computational fluid dynamics, the great shark hunt by hunter s thompson, and the economist