Namee = Ellysia Sanchez | Entered tha Worldd - O72392 | Currently Gettinq Education at - Camlebacc Hiqh | Status - Takenn by tha Best [WalterWallace] | Now ta tell yu moree ahaa - well i'm a nicee person [sometimes] hahaa . iDislikee hatersss , peoplee who cause dramaa & jst dumb peoplee :D i'Lovee my brotherss ta death & wld do anythinq forr them ! I havee qoalss in my lifee & still accomplishinq them . $$$ - ♥♥♥ - Famm | Everythinq in my lifee has happened forr a reason & iknw tht everythinq has its purposee | Theree are only a couple peoplee who really matter to me in thiss lifee timee | My sisterrr Factory is my other half & i wld never wanna lose her | Aubreaa , Lush , Sa'Daree , Brittany , Gaby , Aileen etc. yu all mean somethinq to mee | My Famm is tha best thinq innda worlddd :) | iGuess you can say lifee isnt perfect forr anyonee buh heyy its lifee | im athletic [whn i wanna be] outqoinq , funn , short buh funn sizee , & muchh moree | I livee my lifee tha best way possible & I havee made mistakes in my lifee buh never reqret them | i livee on & forqet watt i cann innda past | There are many qreaat thinqs & people in m ylifee | i Cherish everythinq & everyonee | wanna know moree msq or commentE&W♥|12O6O9|..