Music, school (cause i have to), working out, camping, dancing, and any adventures that might pop up down the road.
I love meeting new people and just hanging out. I'm not into drama though..just people that have cool stories and a positive energy about them. I believe you take in the energy of the people around you so I would rather be a positive energy sapper. :) Oh yeah, I want to meet Ultraviolet. She is the bomb!
By far my favorite movie to date is "House of Flying Daggers". If you havent seen it...what are you waiting for!!! I'm so in love with Zhang Ziyi!
Ok, I sound like a dork on this topic because I kind of find myself enjoying interesting documentaries from topic on Alternate Realties and "String Theorems" to the migration of elephants. OMG, dont knock it til you try it!
Nerdy books like Flash MX, Dreamweaver. Come on gimme a break...I'm a CS major.
Dark Phoenix!