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Threnody Of The Crows

So fuck you guys, I'm in AWESOME.

About Me

Ignorance is bliss no wise woman's failed to mention
and surely some koan suggests 'neglect leads to perfection'
but the more I turn my face from the crowd
the more I feel my backs' increasingly compelled
for the sake of escape, to turn a knife on itself,
a knife of relief, from all the petty insight
and finally I'll sleep, I'll sleep through the night.
Bored as fuck with this street corner-cover.
study of a face in a figure. surveying this language as a game - surveillance of this language as the plague.
the dimension of persistence condemns this portrait of karma, crafted in accident
text book seduction, minus the text in the language of ghosts
and so we ran, like the wolves were biting, the inhibitions of their prey kept them from screaming
"scratch my back and I will stab you in yours"
so I chose to live this life alone, without the teeth marks
but I predict, I'll have to sink my fangs in someone else's heart to heal my own.
just a victim's split, one part for the wolves, one part for you.
but I'll grow weary soon, weary of this fractal code, weary of this hallway lined with ghosts.
just a scratch upon the skin, a drop of blood to let them in.
their words will cause the sweetest fracture from a stone's throw
just a scratch upon the skin, a drop of blood to welcome them
parasitic, viral critics, or lovers, like spirits mingling in the mist that we crafted, a starving jury, let them eat shit from our trembling hands.
The heat for heat's sake, on this Barnard block of Congress deductively speaking, the polar of progress
well maybe I put too much faith in the accident
entranced, we danced toward the ripest display of escape let the starving ghosts feats, from this flesh, from these bones, let them all feast.
In this chess game of language, forced to sit so I play all alone, watch the bathos drift forth like the petals from a wild crafted rose.

My Interests

Pandas, food, bubblegum, Dr. Acula, dead baby jokes, playing music. 34

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I'd like to meet:


Grindcore. Deathgrind. Pornogrind. Noisegrind. Cybergrind. Digigrind. Technogrind. Surf-grind. Metal. Death metal. Technical death metal. Slamming groove metal. Techno metal. Folk metal. Viking metal. Power metal. Techno. Disco. Punk (and most of its affiliates). Powerviolence. Heavy metal. Hair metal. Grindeath.And... Polka!


SNAKES ON A (motherfucking) PLANE, 300, Dragon Wars, Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, Donnie Darko, V for Vendetta, The Simpsons Movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Mirrormask, Anchorman, and a fuckton of others.


Dr. Who, Spongebob, Scrubs, Psych, Monk, Who Wants To Be A Superhero, UVTV, and uh. The Simpsons. And maybe like, Family Guy, and Metalocolypse. Oh! And Futurama.


John Dies At The End,Choosing Death: The Improbable History Of Death Metal And Grindcore, The Alphabet Of Manliness, I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, I Am Legend, - All You Zombies... , All Seven Harry Potters, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, His Dark Materials trilogy, all thirteen "Series of Unfortunate Events" books, the Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal, and lots more.


William, Mark Goffeney, Seth Putnam, J.R. Hayes, Scott Hull, Rack 'em Rack Willie, Mick Gunface, Ed Gein (the man), and of course my dear uncle Daniel Wallace,

My Blog

This is my version of Pale Blue Dot

That's the most massive picture ever taken. Obviously, it's been shrunk a bit. It's called  the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image. It took 400 orbits and 800 exposures to actually take that picture.I...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 08:13:00 PST

For Science, In The Service Of Our Faith

I posted this as a bulletin a couple of months ago:The number of individual beings which could be standing here in your place vastly outnumber all of the grains of sand, on all of the beaches, in all ...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 07:03:00 PST

Poems n shit

Redtube: An OdeOn my honor, I swearI can not find, anywhereSuch a striking visageTo my cock massageOf a whore with a dildo that hugeOh Redtube, againYou are so full of winYes, I’m a pervert, I&r...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 09:37:00 PST

NaNoWriMo practice 1

* Kill it, kill the switch! Yells Sebastian across the hall. He sounds like an M. C. Escher painting. A million billion sound waves distorted through the gelatinous wall. If I couldn't see him from wh...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:07:00 PST

Ideas for NaNoWriMo 2008.. HEY READ THIS

Hey guys, I need some help. I've come up with a few cool sentences that would look good in a larger story, I think. I want you dudes to pick one out for me. I'm gonna be entering into the NaNoWriMo ne...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 10:03:00 PST

An Essay On The Fall Of Ithit-Uroon And The Theories Therein (A Tribute To H.P. Lovecraft)

     Ithit-Uroon was an onyx city that lay beyond the river An'ng, bordering on the black lands of Than. The people of Ithit-Uroon were not an inherently cruel people, nor were the...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 01:55:00 PST

The Last Gloamsong

     It was the Gloam's eyes that I found most unnerving. That and their song. Which is what most people said about the Gloam, although some thought the song beautiful.I was fortun...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 11:20:00 PST

Post Apocalyptic fiction! Whee!

They may have set humanity back a hundred years, but they couldn't have been more polite about it.    Nobody knows where they came from, really, the only message they left still hasn't ...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 11:03:00 PST

Dirge Tries His Hand At Storytelling

Once upon a time, there was a princess. She ruled the entire land of Lündragon. She was not unlike Repunzel for her elegant hair, save her hair was lustrous and purple, and hung only to her lower back...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 10:24:00 PST

snacks I ate beforehand / The Comas / The Meat Puppets

So. Like, I was at a show last night. It was cool. Only two bands, so this'll be really short. But it was awesome; Kurt Cobain would've been proud of it. Also I wore a vest. A vest with cats and teddy...
Posted by Threnody Of The Crows on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:30:00 PST