Myspace Layouts at / I'd hit that
Neurotic, Emotionally Misaligned, Funny, Optimistic, Idealistic, Tardy, Romantic (too many danielle steel novels when i was 14), Private, Introvertstar gazing, sky watching, chatting with my best friends over an iced beverage, chain smoking, teeth grinding, replaying favorite music of the moment till i get bored of it, sleeping real late, followed by going to work late, cancelling appointments, window shopping, shopping, black, il divo, pretending im hot, dreaming, paying my bills late, creating problems for myself, people watching, lighting up, watching cable cos local tv sucks, going to movies only to watch scary gory ones and comedies, wentworth miller, fiddling with my mobile on public transport pretending im doing something important(haha yes now you know!), crossing the traffic light when im not supposed to love jaywalking its so convenient and maybe slight dangerous, overspending on taxis and lights, wasting away my time online, buying novels and not having the time to read them because im wasting my time online, delaying things im supposed to do till never, annoying irritating and pissing people off, the color pink, coke light, mac n cheese, pizza with loads of cheese on it, watching the horizon, travelling to foreign lands, making pasta alfredo, sleeping, watching stand up comedies on myspace, watching sex and the city reruns, staying in on a sunday afternoon wasting my time away, watching the waves as they crash onto the shore, writing poems with hidden underlying meanings only known to me, writing a 1000 page novel, pretending i have enough words in my vocabulary to actually write a 1000 page novel, cat napping, for now.