One Friday night, the (very nice) lady who owns Artist Underground Cafe was talking to me about how she wanted a band to play on that Saturday night, and I thought to myself, "hey, I'm a musician, I could play," so I said to her, "I'll do it." And we worked out the details. Soon after, I realized, "wait a minute...I don't have a band..." I rushed outside to call Mike Lennon, (drums) to see if he wanted to do a gig, and thankfully he said yes. I called Phil Savage (bass) right after that, he said he was going into Charlottesville that night, and then I asked him about a gig, and he quickly changed his tune. So during the day on Saturday, we haphazardly threw a set of Funk/Jazz/Fusion jams together, and played that night. The show went well, and we thought we had something with this style of improvisation meets funk and metal, and now we're Witty By Committee.
Booking: [email protected]