Alfred of Iberia profile picture

Alfred of Iberia

Y tal vez no haya una segunda vez para mirar las rosas rojas del Edén.

About Me

"Sometimes it seems that I don't have the skills to recollect, the twists and turns of plot that turned us from lovers to friends. I'm thinking I should take that volume off the shelf, and crack its weary spine to help remind myself."-DCFC Expo '86////I just got a cadillac, I'm thinking of maybe throwing some D's on it. But really: I'm from Southern California, the birthplace of almost everything great. I'd like to say that I'm a staunch California nationalist. It pretty much means that I love California more than the rest of America, and that we should become an Independent nation. I also dislike pants, but I end up wearing them more than I think is healthy(If only I could find a job where pants were optional...). I enjoy a good beer, and the presence of ladies.Also, if anyone is so kind as to read my blogs, and if they have the time and wish to leave me a comment concerning the content of my blog, either its emotional appeal or its composition, I would appreciate it greatly. Any criticism is welcome, and if it's negative, please let your comment be constructive in helping me better myself as an amateur writer. So please, if you read my blogs and have time, feel free to criticize, either positively or negatively. Thank you.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Also, as you can see from my Hitman profile, I'm pretty hardcore, or maybe even just 'core.
The Iberian
People Iced: Forty Three
Car Bombs Planted: Sixteen
Favorite Weapon His voice
Arms Broken: Nineteen
Eyes Gouged: Twenty One
Trees punched: thirty
Biggest Enemy: The Belligerent Bull
Get Your HITMAN Name

My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!Hey I got a test, you should take it:
Create your own Friend Test here This man, and all his movies: Pets, mostly non-reptilian, turtles are ok. I like doing stuff, and like watching people do stuff. Hey have you ever looked at some one and they were doing stuff? That's pretty awesome.I like doing what I can. Oh, and keeping in solidarity with God's chosen people: Also, I was in the War, not combat, but an F-15 inspector. I inspected, they bombed stuff, in both theatres, OIF/OEF.

I'd like to meet:

People who read books, watch movies and like to talk about it. Chinchilla breeding enthusiasts. Also, people who are socially responsible, or who have a sense of civic duty. Pretty much people who do volunteer stuff, vote, are involved in national or civic service and generally try to make this Great State, and by extension the rest of the world a better place. Pro Californian secessionists and/or people who would like to see an independent Pacific Coast nation interest me, as I believe in Californian Sovereignty. People who like Emo.Anyone who loves the beach.And this man, who needs no introduction.


These are some of my favorite albums/bands: Liquits: Chido Also, Tupac and the greatest love song artist of all time, the phenomenom known as P.C., behold:


I hope to never wake up to a future ruled by apes, hence the documentary Planet of the Apes serves as a reminder that we need to keep our simians in check. Wait a minute, statue of was EARTH all along, lousy apes! Kingdom of Heaven's got me pretty moved, and I also appreciate Sci Fi like Dune or Vanilla sky. Indie stuff like eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and Rushmore. Downfall, Red Dawn, Tae Guk Gi: brotherhood of war, and other war movies are awesome. Anything with Will Ferrell is great. Stupid funny movies that make you laugh, even though they're almost not worth paying to watch. I hope the world appreciates all the entertainment California provides via the creative genius of Hollywood. Even if ticket prices are terribly high, I blame New York for driving up ticket prices, one more reason why California should be independent.


Family Guy, ATHF, Simpsons, the Colbert Report, anything on the history channel,usually stuff on SciFi, I've also gotten into Spanish soap opera's, under the guise of improving my ever growing vocabulary of Romance languages. Unfortunately, the drama and starlets prove only too addicting.


I'm mainly a Sci Fi and political reader, but my favorite book is probably "all quiet on the western front" or"the four horsemen of the apocalypse". which are about world war one. pretty interesting stuff. I actually like to read, excluding school books which are usually boring. Harry Turtledove's and other historical fiction books are my staple reading diet, but i'll read some of the classics, like Brave New World, 1984, Crime and Punishment, etc. C.S. Lewis is really fantastic too. Military history is awesome too, especially stuff abou these guys: My Conquistador kinsmen or: Hopefully someday I'll have a portrait made of me in this manner.


"The light that burns twice as bright, only burns half as long." -Blade Runner////John C. Fremont, for leading the Californio Revolution that technically seceeded from Mexico and resulted in the creation of the California Republic. Erich Maria Remarque, for writing "All Quiet on the Western Front" and capturing the frustration of being young and being in War. And mostly The apostle Paul, who regardless of his past and weaknesses, was still a spectacularly strong man of God, who went on to do great acts for God, and write great letters of encouragement and teachings for Christians everywhere.

My Blog


As I fall I see my brother who falls beside me. I smell the scent of our home and hold it in. As I fall I see the world swirl around, and know subconsciously that really I am tumbling downward. I cap...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Thu, 10 May 2007 08:36:00 PST


As I delve deeper into the monster's story in Frankenstein, I sympathize with the beast, as I do everytime I read his pitiful story. One in which the author reaches deep into a recess of emotion and f...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Wed, 02 May 2007 11:09:00 PST

Serenity and Acceptance, or Fate

I receive his phone call, it's a couple of months overdue. I had thought him fled for asylum, a physical flight from danger, much like our past two presidents in the face of possible death. I ask how ...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:01:00 PST


please bear with the Spanish on this one, it might not be spelled correctly or grammatically perfect, but eh, I'm trying.   Te quiero besar. Te quiero hablar. Quiero jugar con tu pelo, y te quie...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:42:00 PST

the nightmare

I stand at the dock, the dark ocean below, the darker sky above. You dive in for a swim against my strong suggestion. And it strikes, instantly you are ensnared, attacked with lightning speed. I void ...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 01:23:00 PST

I know the pieces fit

What can I ask you that I haven't already asked? What can I say that I haven't already said? It takes a random voice message from higher up to make me question my finances, my future contributions to ...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:33:00 PST

Pajarrito Moperin

Pajarrito Moperin que estas haciendo? Pajarrito Moperin porque no estas en tu nido? Pajarrito Moperin porque me tienes miedo? Porque lloras? que no ves que no te hago nada? Te quiero ayudar Pajarrito ...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:59:00 PST

Say anything, but say what you mean

I sigh in knowing I must speak to you tomorrow, entirely unsure of any communication with you, miserably confused with everything involving you. You've haunted my sleep the past two nights, burrowed y...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:39:00 PST

Consultations and Consequences

As contrary and perhaps necessary words of advice course through my veins and seep into the vital organs that sustain my being, I am presented with a terribly familiar dilemma. My childish nature and ...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 12:00:00 PST

Between the lines of fear and blame

Thoughts of you send electromagnetic pulses through the unshielded circuitry of my mind; scrambling reason, logic, and any semblance of normalcy and function. These impulses disrupt my serenity a...
Posted by Alfred of Iberia on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 12:27:00 PST